Closed projects


Communicate historical content to a wide and varied audience is an increasingly felt task that need new ways to attract and involve people with compelling arguments. For involving the audience […]


An Italian system for the retrieval, storage, access and diffusion of environmental and climate data from mountain and marine areas.


Per sostenere la comcorrenza ed affrontare la sfida del mercato globale, le industrie si confrontano con l’innovazione. Aziende italiane ed europee hanno fatto un salto di qualità con l’intoduzione della […]


ONDA SOLARE è il nuovo progetto di ricerca in carico al CRIF che ha l’obbiettivo di sviluppare un percorso integrato per la progettazione concettuale, funzionale e costruttiva di un veicolo elettrico solare dalle […]


To demonstrate how HPCN technology can be employed effectively to outperform the traditional Asset Liability Management systems.


The reasons for the aforementioned transformation are manifold: legal aspects, regulations, business requirements, economic factors, etc. Technological trends such as SOA, Software as a Service, Virtualisation are influencing the way […]

Po River Delta Park

Reconstruction of the landscape. Software: Visman (CINECA), ERMapper, Terravista (Terrex)


Introduce high performance parallel computers in the design process of domestic microwave ovens.


To identify and minimise the tendency and forcing errors in four different atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs). The improved models will be developed and tested with special attention to simulation […]


The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe prepares the creation of a persistent pan-European HPC service, consisting of several tier-0 centres providing European researchers with access to capability computers and […]