27 November: Cineca at European Researchers’ Night

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The European Researchers' Night invites you to meet the heroes of science; that is to say, the researchers from different disciplines whose fascinating work can change our lives.

With family, friends, your school or on your own, you will become a scientist for a day, participate in science activities and, most of all, have fun!

Every year hundreds of events take place simultaneously in Europe and neighbouring countries. 

In 2020, the events will take place on Friday, 27 November, in over 340 cities across Europe and in neighbouring countries.

They offer a wide variety of fun-learning activities, from behind-the-scenes guided tours of research labs normally closed to the public, to interactive science shows, hands-on experiments or workshops, crime investigation, science theatre performances, movies and much more. 
Which European Researchers' Night (27 November 2020) event would you like to attend?
Italy will participate with 7 projects in more than 80 cities
Cineca participate with 2 projects: NET at Rome and SOCIETYnext at Bologna.

By Net, Cineca will participate ONLINE:

When Who What
26/11 12:00 Donatella Sforzini Coronavirus e cambiamento climatico … cosa ci spaventa di piu? - Come il supercalcolo può aiutarci a trovare la risposta nei social network
27/11 11:00 Neva Besker "Foldit": esperimento-gioco sul ripiegamento delle proteine 
27/11 18:00 Vittorio Ruggiero & Gianmaria Sannino (ENEA) Climatologia e Supercalcolo: una coppia vincente

27/11 19:00

Luca Ferraro Cervelli Artificiali, quale futuro per la scienza?
27/11  Cineca teams il gioco BIT WARS

By SOCIETYnext, Cineca will participate ONLINE:  

27/11  Antonella Guidazzoli, Maria Chiara Liguori, Simona Caraceni Vis-IT Lab: Realtà virtuale, realtà aumentata e visualizzazione di Big Data
27/11 20:00 -22:00 Roberto Da Vià, Eric Pascolo Better call Supercomputer! Perchè è necessario un supercomputer nel vostro lavoro?! Per farvi risparmiare tempo prezioso! 
27/11 19:00 Alessandro Marani, Diego Molinari Supercalcolo: l’amico della ricerca