6th PRACE Project Access (Tier-0) Call

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The call will be open from September 18th, 2012 until October 23rd, 2012, noon, 12.00 Brussels Time.

Six Tier-0 machines are available:

  • IBM Blue Gene/Q “JUQUEEN” (GCS@Jülich, Germany)
  • IBM Blue Gene/Q “FERMI” (CINECA, Italy)
  • Bull Bullx cluster “CURIE” (GENCI@CEA, France)
  • Cray XE6 “HERMIT” (GCS@HLRS, Germany)
  • IBM System X iDataplex “SuperMUC” (GCS@LRZ, Germany)
  • IBM System X iDataplex “MareNostrum” (BSC, Spain)

The 6th Call Terms of Reference can be found here

The 6th Call Technical Guidelines for Applicants can be found here