A novel parallel approach for 3D seismological problems

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Santa Agreste (Università di Messina), Arrigo Caserta (INGV), Angela Ricciardello (Università di Messina) and Vittorio Ruggiero (Cineca)

The large spatial scale associated with the modelling of strong ground motion in three dimensions requires enormous computational resources. For this reason, the simulation of soil shaking requires high-performance computing. The aim of this work is to present a new parallel approach for these kind of problems based on domain decomposition technique. The main idea is to subdivide the original problem into local ones. It allows to investigate large-scale problems that cannot be solved by a serial code. The performance of our parallel algorithm has been examined analysing computational times, speed-up and efficiency. Results of this approach are shown and discussed.

Article on International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2012, 89 (15), 2047-2060