Appointed the new members of Cineca Access Panel

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New members were appointed by Cineca Executive Board of May 21st 2018 until May 31st 2019.

The CINECA Access Panel was formally appointed in the 2012, for the decision of the CINECA Board of Directors, as an institutional body.

One of the tasks of the CINECA Access Panel is to manage the procedure of the Italian peer-review system and to ensure the coherence with European (PRACE) and worldwide procedures.

Members of the CINECA Access Panel are Professors from Italian academia and research institutes:

Mauro Ferrario Matter Physics Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Claudio Zannoni Physical Chemistry Università di Bologna
Antonello Provenzale Earth Science CNR Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - Torino
Paolo Ruggerone Life Sciences Università di Cagliari
Raffaele Tripiccione Particle Physics Università di Ferrara
Giovanni Peres Universe Sciences Università di Palermo
Alfredo Soldati Engineering & Computational Fluid dynamics Technical University of Wien & Università di Udine
Marco Ferretti Computer Science & AI and Deep Learning Università di Pavia