Big success of the Italian scientific community in PRACE

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The 10th PRACE Regular Call for Proposals yielded 127 eligible proposals of which 48 were awarded for a total of close to 1.0 thousand million core hours.
The 48 awarded projects are led by principal investigators from 13 different European countries, 1 from Australia and 2 from the USA. 
11 awarded projects have PI from Italy (close to a quarter of the projects) for a total of 286,5 million core hours (27% of the total).

The awarded projects received 387.3 million core hours (37% of the total hours) on Fermi @ CINECA.

Seven overall scientific domains are represented: 8 projects are linked to the fields of Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life Sciences; 16 to Chemistry; 3 to Earth System Sciences; 8 to Engineering; 5 to Fundamental Physics; 1 to Mathematics and Computer Sciences; and 7 to Universe Sciences.

The largest allocation under the 10th Call is the project entitled Surfing for Thermals in Turbulent Flows led by Roberto Verzicco of the Physics of Fluids Group at the University of Twente in the Netherlands. His project received close to 69 million core hours on Fermi @ CINECA and is also supported by an ERC grant.

Selected proposals will receive allocations to PRACE resources from March 2015 to March 2016.

More informations and results of the 10th Call for Proposals for Project Access are available on PRACE web site.