Cineca announces the publication of the ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda

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Cineca is one of the founding members of the ETP4HPC, an industry-led forum putting together stakeholders of HPC technology.

A European Technology Platform (ETP) is an industry led forum. ETPs provide a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research priorities and action plans on a number of technological areas where achieving EU growth, competitiveness and sustainability requires major research and technological advances in the medium to long term.

An ETP for High Performance Computing (ETP4HPC) has been formed to define research priorities for the development of a globally competitive HPC technology ecosystem in Europe.

The ETP4HPC is now formally recognized by the European Commission in the list of ETPs.
The EC is committed to a structured dialogue on research priorities with ETPs, currently 38 in total.

The initial aim of the ETP4HPC was to implement a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), while acting as the “one voice” of the European HPC industry in relations with the European Commission and national authorities. The creation of this ETP fits perfectly with a European Commission’s recommendation made in its recent communication about HPC.

The objective of the Strategic Research Agenda  is to outline a roadmap for the implementation of a research programme aiming at the development of European HPC technologies.
The approach followed to structure the SRA has been to combine ETP4HPC members technical and market knowledge (internal) with that coming from external experts and sources like.

Through the SRA, the ETP4HPC has identified research areas and topics which were considered priorities to reach the objective of a stronger European HPC environment that can benefit Europe and the rest of the world.


  • The creation of new technologies within the entire HPC stack (HPC Stack Elements)
  • The improvement of system characteristics (Extreme Scale Requirements)
  • New deployment fields for HPC (New HPC Deployments)
  • The expansion of the use of HPC (HPC Usage Expansion)

Please have a look at the complete document.

The members of the ETP4HPC are currently 36, find here the list.



We see several benefits in becoming a member!

Joining the ETP4HPC will let your organisation to participate in a group aiming to make the future of HPC in Europe: share you view and access to HPC knowledge and resources by leveraging 

  • Participate in the definition of the R&D HPC strategy
  • Share your ideas about the evolution of HPC technology
  • Influence the definition of the SRA and its updates
  • Pool your actions with those of the other members
  • Anticipate evolutions related to your activity
  • Increase the visibility and the voice of your organization



Find here all the info for joining us!