Cineca expresses sincere condolences for Sergio’s passing away

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We are close to Roberta, Luca and the whole family for the death of Sergio, our friend and colleague whose enthusiasm and vital spirit will continue to support us.

Sergio Bernardi joined Cineca 40 years ago, a young researcher with a degree in Computer Science. He started his activity as system analyst and system manager of the top computing system at the time, the CDC Cyber 76. In the early '90 Sergio became the head of the Systems and Operation department. In 2007 started his involvement in EU projects, mainly focused on Prace (the European partnership for scientific computing infrastructure in Europe). He was member of the PRACE Board od Directors from 2010 to 2017.

Anyone wishing to leave a thought for Sergio can write it to <>

A page in memory of Sergio: a man, a colleague, a friend of our