Cineca HPC department: Job positions open

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CINECA is opening 3 positions (HPC Developer, Data Engineer, Scientific Visualization or Computer Graphic Developer) for 12 months to candidates with qualified professional skills.

The candidates wil be selected for activities of high level support and application development concernig HPC (High Performance Computing) and HPDA (High Performance Data Analytics) and will be involved in tasks in the context of funded research projects, industrial projects and european centers of excellence for exascale computing.

CINECA is opening 1 position for 12 months, renewable: HPC Scholarship  "Sviluppo di applicazioni per il Calcolo Scientifico all'interno delle attività di supporto ai progetti sul CORONAVIRUS"

Place of employment is Casalecchio di Reno (BO).

Submission Deadline: 16th March 2020 12:00 (CET). 

More information (In Italian): Call 3 HPC positions and Call HPC Scholarship