CINECA is one of the founding members of the ETP for High Performance computing, ETP 4 HPC

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The European Technology Platform (ETP) for High Performance Computing was created to improve Europe’s position in the domain of HPC technologies and to foster collaboration among all players in the HPC supply chain.

The founding members are major suppliers of High Performance Computing (HPC) technologies including Allinea, ARM, Bull, Caps Entreprise, Eurotech, IBM, Intel, ParTec, STMicroelectronics and Xyratex in association with HPC research centres BSC, CEA, CINECA, Fraunhofer, Forschungszentrum Juelich and LRZ.

The ETP4HPC expects to be recognised as the ETP referenced by European Commission and complements the research capacities created through PRACE. The recently released Vision Paper indicates that the ETP4HPC can significantly improve Europe’s position in the domain of HPC technologies through a research program building on mutual strengths, taking advantage of technological disruptions with tangible and sustainable market potential, targeting technologies meeting the needs of important applications, and facilitating the creation of start-ups and the development of the SME sector as well as utilizing synergies with other Information Technology sectors to influence next generation computing.

The creation of ETP4HPC is an important step in encouraging and strengthening the position of the European HPC industry. The impressive set of competencies among the members of this initiative indicate that Europe can be at the forefront of the HPC industry in the coming years if an ambitious research and development program is put in place. The ETP will act as a catalyst for such a development resulting in a stronger European HPC industry that creates employment, adds value, and a stimulus for students and academic researchers in the ICT field. Through this improved capability and capacity, HPC users gain the capability to achieve new results in science and technology and to design more innovative products and services.


Read here the ETP4HPC Vision Paper.

Read here the letter of committment that the ETP4HPC founders addressed to the European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes.

Read here the ETP4HPC press release.

For more information click link for the ETP4HPC website.