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EUMaster4HPC: the first pan-European Master in High Performance Computing.

CINECA is partner in the EUMaster4HPC project which will develop the first pan-European High Performance Computing (HPC) Master programme starting from September 2022. With funding from the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, the programme is the equivalent of a Master's degree under the Italian law. A consortium of 60 European partners including universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners will realise the master programme with a new multidisciplinary approach. Among the objectives, the project aims at training the next generation of HPC experts in the adoption of supercomputing technologies for the European digital transformation and at creating a strong link between academia and industry. Applications are now open, students can apply until 15 May 2022.

The European project EUMaster4HPC officially kicked off and from September 2022, it will develop the first pan-European Master's degree in High-Performance Computing (HPC). The project, funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking with a total budget of EUR 7 million, will be implemented by a consortium of 60 European partners from industry and academia and led by the University of Luxembourg, the project coordinator. CINECA is one of the five Italian partners.
During the online kick-off meeting hold on February 10th, the University of Luxembourg present the vision and the objectives of the project, that is including more and more talented students in the HPC European ecosystem and to broaden their career perspectives in the expanding HPC field, both in industry and academia. Thus, the pilot of the project is to educate students and highly skilled experts for driving the European digital transformation through the adoption of HPC-related technologies.
The consortium has a very heterogeneous structure, bringing together European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners who mobilise and unify their HPC expertise in a joint European curriculum. The partners will design a highly specialised education programme providing the enrolled students with exchange opportunities and concrete internship experience in HPC industry. Finally, thanks to the very innovative teaching paradigms, the master will develop curricula with a modular structure to facilitate a full or partial integration of the modules into existing Master’s programmes on basic computer science and programming languages.
The EUMaster4HPC will provide scholarships to applicants coming from EuroHPC member states. The scholarship covers also the student mobility foreseen during the different semesters, and the internship period.

Applications are now open. Students can apply online through the application form until 15 May 2022:

For more information, please visit the Master website.

Italian partners:

CINECA is the task leader for the development of internships in supercomputing and research centres. Hence, it participates in the project to define mobility plans for students and teachers. It contributes to the definition of new paradigms and teaching models in HPC, for instance by setting up teaching laboratories in the field of supercomputing, implemented by two (or more) universities and based on digital-twin technologies. It defines also the HPC competence profiles to serve at best the request of the scientific communities.

POLIMI (Politecnico di Milano) participates in the definition of the courses programme of the Master in HPC and coordinates a European project working group responsible for the development of teaching materials and online courses, as well as for the experimentation of innovative teaching methods and cross-university collaboration. POLIMI will also participate in the programme to support student mobility in the European universities, research centres and industry in strict synergy and coordination with other European mobility programmes (Summer of HPC, HPC Europe, Erasmus).

UNIMORE (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) will coordinate the project working group in charge of creating synergy and collaborations between curricula from different disciplinary fields: from physics and chemistry to life sciences, from computer science to engineering and other more recent domains. The objective is to develop new opportunities for concrete collaborations on supercomputing applications, and to promote synergy and knowledge transfer between the European supercomputing centres and the new pan-European master's degree.
CINI (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica) is participating in the project activities through the Laboratory "HPC: key technologies and tools". As well as providing its expertise in the definition of the master contents, it is in charge of the setting-up of a community of master's graduates and the management of administrative procedures for the official certification of the master. The CINI lab group includes the Universities of Turin, Pavia, Bologna and Pisa; the universities contribute to the project providing their long-standing experience in several EU-funded HPC projects and in the development of master’s degree courses that partly cover HPC issues (such as the course in Computer Science and Networking at the University of Pisa).
SISSA is participating in the project through its specialised Master's programme "MHPC: Master in High Performance Computing", co-organised with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste (ICTP).  SISSA will offer some of the courses provided within the MHPC programme to the students of the EU master's programme. Moreover, together with the ICTP, it will be one of the destinations for student on-site internships, but also for the organisation of workshops and summer schools.
EuroHPC Joint Undertaking of the European Commission, is the initiative established in 2018 with the aim of developing, deploying, extending and maintaining a world-class integrated supercomputing infrastructure within the EU and, more generally, developing a highly competitive and innovative HPC ecosystem.