FERMI for 3 years among the highest positions in the TOP500

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The Italian supercomputer FERMI, IBM Blue Gene/Q, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, the two inititiatives available to gain access to the system by a peer-review procedure, is now number 32 in the Top500 list. The list was annunced July 13 at ISC15 conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

The FERMI computing system installed at Cineca in 2012 (rank 7th in June 2012) for the Italian and European research remains one of the larger supercomputer available in Italy today.

FERMI is an IBM Blue Gene/Q configured with 10.240 PowerA2 sockets running at 1.6GHz, with 16 cores each, for a total of 163.840 compute cores and a system peak performance of 2.1 PFlops. Each processor comes with 16Gbyte of RAM (1Gbyte per core).

FERMI is available to researchers via ISCRA the Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation initiative and via PRACE.

Another system installed at Cineca was ranked in the list at rank 105, the Galileo supercomputer, the Italian Tier-1 cluster for industrial and public research.