Fortissimo: 2nd Open Call for proposals launched

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Fortissimo is a collaborative project that will enable European SMEs to be more competitive globally through the use of simulation services running on a High Performance Computing cloud infrastructure.
The project is coordinated by the University of Edinburgh and involves 45 partners from 14 countries. The project is funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme.

Call 2

This call for proposals seeks to broaden the portfolio of application experiments currently being carried out within Fortissimo focusing on simulation services for the benefit of manufacturing SMEs.

Key Call Details

Submission Deadline: 18th June, 2014, at 17:00 Brussels local time
Expected duration of participation: 1st January 2015 to 30th June 2016
Foreseen budget for Call 2: up to 2M€ funding for new beneficiaries
Maximum funding request per proposal: 250,000 €

Expectations for new experiments

  • The new application experiments should provide business relevant investigations and demonstrations of simulation services in the Fortissimo HPC Cloud that have the potential to create business benefits for manufacturing SMEs.
  • Priority will be given to proposals for experiments which complement the activities already included within Fortissimo. A description of all current Fortissimo experiments can be found here.
  • Proposed experiments should contain all those actors in the value chain necessary for the experiment and realisation of services meeting the end-users' engineering and manufacturing needs. These services should be based on the use of the HPC resources already offered within the Fortissimo infrastructure.

A full description of the current open call is downloadable as a PDF document here.

Experiments will employ the Fortissimo HPC infrastructure by using the HPC Centres already involved in the project.
The involvement of HPC or technology experts and ISVs already included within the Fortissimo consortium is also possible.
An overview of Fortissimo HPC Centres and other Fortissimo partners open to collaboration within new experiments is provided here.

Proposal Submission
Access to the proposal submission tool and detailed instructions for proposal submission, together with information about the evaluation criteria to be applied, FAQs and an evaluation check-list, are provided on the following web-page.

Webinar on Open Call
On 19th May, I4MS will host a webinar about the 2nd Open Call of Fortissimo.
Guy Lonsdale, manager of the Open Calls for Fortissimo, will give an overview of Fortissimo, the open call and details about how to propose an experiment.
Please register for the webinars here.

Cineca is Core Partner of Fortissimo
For obtain further informations, please visit Fortissimo web-site and Cineca web-site or please contact: