Fortissimo Forum 2014 – 15 October – Milan

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Cineca and the Fortissimo consortium will organize first Fortissimo Forum October 15th in Milan, Italy. It will take place at Politecnico Di Milano, Campus Bonardi (in the downtown area of Milan).

The Fortissimo Forum will bring together Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Service Providers, Small & Medium Eenterprises (SMEs) and technical experts around the theme of HPC applications in the cloud.
Specific topics will be application deployment and licensing solutions for the cloud.
Several ISVs have already confirmed to present their solutions and strategies; solution providers from I4MS projects will talk about their services and solutions; manufacturing SMEs are discussing their needs and expectations.
The Fortissimo Forum will be concluded with a panel discussion about HPC cloud, adoption barriers for SMEs and solution concepts. 

For Agenda, Registrations (no registration fee) and more info please refer to Fortissimo Forum web page