HBP call: Italian Info Day on June 5th

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On June 5th in Florence will be held the Italian Info Day about Human Brain Project (HBP) Call for Expressions of Interest on Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience.

June 5th at 10:30
Directive Board Room, Rectorate, University of Florence
Piazza S. Marco 4, Firenze



10:30  Opening

Thomas Skordas
Head of the FET-Flagship unit at the European Commissions

10:45  Philippe Gillet
Chair of the board of directors, Human Brain project
10:55  A description of the HBP
Richard Walker 
11:05  A description of the rules and criteria of the calls
Sabine Bradler
11:15 A scientific description of the content of the calls 
Katrin Amunts and Thomas Lippert
11:30 Question time with potential applicants attending the info day
12:30 Question time with journalists (press conference)
13:00 End of the info day

The info day will be in streaming.

About HBP and Cineca rule:

Hundreds of scientists, 112 institutions, 24 countries, 12 research area in the most ambitious project ever launched.

Over the course of the 10-year project, HBP reasearchers will simulate the human brain, develop brain-inspired computing technologies, map brain diseases, perform targeted mapping of the mouse and human brain, develop six Information and Communications Technology (ICT) platforms, drive translation of research into products and services, and implement programmes of education and knowledge management.

Cineca with its HPC and data storage infrastructure implements and operates a data-centric facility, providing efficient data services, processing and management functionalities to handle large data volumes generated by the HBP.


More information about this call
More information about HBP