Installation of the “CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE” and introduction to the PRACE Steering Committee

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With the installation of FERMI, the new BG/Q supercomputing system, CINECA by mandate of Italian Ministry of Education University and Research, becomes PRACE Tier-0 hosting site as from the PRACE roadmap.


The CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE up to now an informal body, was formally appointed in the 5th of June ceremony, for the decision of the CINECA Board of Directors, an institutional body.


In the occasion of the presentation of the new computing system to the Italian scientific community and of the SC official installation, the CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE met the PRACE Scientific Steering Committee at CINECA premises on the 5th of June 2012.


One of the tasks of the CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE will be to manage the aspects and the principles of the Italian peer-review system and to ensure the congruence with European (PRACE) and worldwide procedures.


We took the occasion to share with the Italian and European scientific community, represented in this meeting by the renamed scientists part of the two Scientific Boards, the results of the work endorsed by the European Commission and performed in HPCWorld, focused on a best practice on peer-review procedures, to allow the two Boards to share a vision.