Khronos Steps Towards Widespread Deployment of SYCL

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The Khronos® Group, an open consortium of industry-leading companies creating graphics and compute interoperability standards, announces the ratification and public release of the SYCL™ 2020 Provisional Specification. SYCL is a standard C++ based heterogeneous parallel programming framework for accelerating High Performance Computing (HPC), machine learning, embedded computing, and compute-intensive desktop applications on a wide range of processor architectures, including CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and AI processors.

“At Cineca, based on our experience, we confirm the value that SYCL is bringing to the development of high performance computing in a hybrid environment. In fact, through SYCL, it is possible to build a common and portable environment for the development of computing-intensive applications to be executed on HPC architectures configured with floating point accelerators, which allows industries and scientific communities to use the common availability of development tools, libraries of algorithms, accumulated experience,” said Sanzio Bassini, director of supercomputing, Application Innovation Dept, Cineca. “Cineca is already running the distributed Celerity runtime on top of several SYCL implementations on the new Marconi100 cluster, ranked no. 9 in the Top500 (June 2020), providing users with a unified API for both about 4000 NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs and IBM Power9 host processors. SYCL 2020 is a big step towards a much leaner API that unlocks all the potential provided by modern C++ standards for accelerated data-parallel kernels, making the development of large-scale scientific software easier and more sustainable, either for industrial oriented domain applications for industries, either for scientific domain oriented applications.”

Read the Press Release