Multi-Kepler GPU vs. multi-intel MIC: A two test case performance study

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F. Salvadore (CIneca), M.Bernaschi (CNR)

We present and compare the performances of two many-core architectures: the Nvidia Kepler and the Intel MIC both in a single system and in cluster configuration for the simulation of two physical systems. As a first benchmark we consider the time required to update a single spin of the 3D Heisenberg spin glass model by using the Over-relaxation algorithm. The second application we consider is a reactive fluid-dynamics problem for which we resolve the full Navier-Stokes compressible set of equations without resorting to a turbulence model. The results show that the performances of an Intel MIC change dramatically depending on (apparently) minor details. Another issue is that to obtain a reasonable scalability with the Intel Phi coprocessor in cluster configuration it is necessary to use the so-called offload mode which reduces the performances of the single system. All source codes are provided for inspection and for double-checking the results.


Published in: High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), 2014 International Conference on
Date of Conference: 21-25 July 2014
Page(s): 1 - 8
Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-5312-7
Conference Location: Bologna, Italy
DOI: 10.1109/HPCSim.2014.6903662
Publisher: IEEE