New industrial experiments selected by EU Project Fortissimo2

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The Fortissimo 2 project - funded by the European Commission under the H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation through grant agreement no 680481 and part of the ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) action - is a follow-on action to the Fortissimo project established in 2013.

As its predecessor, Fortissimo 2 is a collaborative project that will enable European SMEs to be more competitive globally through the use of simulation and data analytics services running on a High Performance Computing (HPC) cloud infrastructure.
The project is coordinated by the University of Edinburgh and involves manufacturing companies, application developers, domain experts, IT solution providers, HPC cloud service providers and HPC centres.

The first Open Call was a huge success:

  • more than 70 proposals for additional experiments
  • 10 new industrial experiments were selected for funding
  • each experiment will last 18 months, starting November 2016
  • 3 experiments have Cineca as reference partner:
    1. Cape Horn Engineering is a UK Computational Fluid Dynamics provider for the design of racing yachts. Partnering with CapeHorn and Cineca is Plus, an italian company specialised in design optimisation techniques, data analytics and development of web-based solutions. The aim of this experiment is to bring advanced CFD tools at an affordable cost to small companies, sporting teams, sail and yacht manufacturers for the design of sails with better performance, not only for racing yachts but also for any cruising yacht. 
      By coupling the flow simulations with structural analysis simulations in an iterative manner, the system will also enable the analysis of ‘flying shapes’, that means, of the deformed sail shapes under the influence of the wind pressure.

    2. The second experiment is a partnership of HPE, a provider of engineering solutions and technology to the world’s automotive, motorsport, automation solution and defence sector, EXEMPLAR, a CAE Services focused company born in 2006 inside the Politecnico di Torino University, Cineca and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Aim of the experiment is to provide a numerical analysis environment enabling provisional modelling of the Additive Manufacturing process, available for SMEs as a tool to optimize each job before the actual build. The main advantages would be cost savings and a reduction of discarded parts, which are both severe drawbacks of the technology.
    3. Tecniplast is worldwide leader in the Laboratory Animal Industry since many years. It is the only one in the world with a product portfolio able to cover any possible request and need of the Animal Facilities. With the help of Cineca and Moxoff, spinoff of the prestigious MOX laboratory (Modelling and Scientific Computing) of the Politecnico di Milano, Tecniplast will foster the development of a new innovative line of cages that supplements the usual devices needed to take care of laboratory animals with sensors and a dedicated high performance data analytics platform. 
      The presence of cage sensors is a true revolution in the correspondent Laboratory Animal Industry because it leads to provide several new and unique benefits without affecting the current way of housing animals.

See for details on Fortissimo and Fortissimo2 initiatives