OGS-Cineca agreement: HPC Training and Research for Earth Sciences

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OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics) and CINECA drew up an agreement to implement a training program focussed on High Performance Computing (HPC) applications for Earth Sciences, the “HPC Training and Research for Earth Sciences” (HPC-TRES). The program is co-sponsored by the Minister of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under its extraordinary contribute for the Italian participation to activities related to the international infrastructure PRACE – The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe.

The major objectives of the program are: capacity building, enhancement of human resources, and advanced training in the fields of Earth System modelling (atmosphere, hydrosphere, litosphere and biosphere) and numerical models, the latter considered as a strategic cross-cutting element for modelling activities. These objectives will be pursued through the use of national and European HPC infrastructures and services in the framework of PRACE, the optimization of algorithms and numerical codes, the optimal management of “Earth Sciences Big Data”, and the graphical visualization techniques for multidisciplinary applications in the Earth Sciences, also in the frame of the “Blue Growth” strategy.

Therefore, HPC-TRES agreement will establish, sponsor and oversee training and research awards (i.e. contributes for training and research activities set up according to current regulations that regulate scholarships – to be also used for masters and specialized courses in HPC -, research grants and PhDs) that will support the research lines scientific plan of the HPC-TRES program.

Some Italian research groups and institutions (INGV-Pisa, CNR/ISAC, CNR/IGG, CMCC, ICTP-ESP) have already subscribed the HPC-TRES initiative, offering logistic support and hospitality to the winners of the training and research awards sponsored by OGS.

OGS recognizes the scientific excellence of the hosting institutions as strategic to the educational and professional growth of the awarded young researchers. OGS strives to extend the participation in the scientific plan to other national research groups involved in HPC applications for Earth Sciences, in a way which these groups could propose new training and research activities in the next HPC-TRES Calls.

In this background, the first call for applications for 1 fellowship and 3 scholarship is available and the deadline for applying is July 17th, 2015.

For more info, please visit the OGS web site