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17 October 2019

Visit Cineca's booth (pav. 7 - A35) at Maker Faire Rome 2019

Cineca, this year, takes part at Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition! You can visit us at Fiera di Roma - pavillon 7 "Discover" (booth A35) since Friday October 18th till Sunday October 20th (10.00am / 07.00pm). Maker Faire Rome is a large fair for inventions and innovation open to all forms of applied creativity.
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15 October 2019

SHAPE 10th Call for Applications: Deadline 1 December 2019

It is open to all European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to SMEs business. DEADLINE: 1 December 2019
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15 October 2019

CODES@OEHI Hackathon 2019

On 28-29 October 2019 at CINECA - Bologna will be held a hackathon on Arm-based HPC systems. Deadline Registration: Friday 18 October 2019
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30 September 2019

PRACE Ada Lovelace Award for HPC 2020 - Call for Nominations is open

The Call for Nominations for the PRACE Ada Lovelace Award 2020 is now open! Deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2019 at 15:00 CEST
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23 September 2019

27 September: Cineca at European Researchers' Night

The EU Researchers' Night invites you to meet the heroes of science; that is to say, the researchers from different disciplines whose fascinating work can change our lives. With family, friends, your school or on your own, you will become a scientist for a day, participate in science activities and most of all have fun! Italy Cineca takes part at the events in Rome and Bologna.
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23 September 2019

Leonardo Exascale: new resource for research and society

CINECA is a hosting entity of "Leonardo", a precursor of exascale supercomputer procured by the EuroHPC. As part of the European night of researchers, Cineca will organize a dissemination event on "Leonardo" and 50 years of supercomputing in Italy on Thursday 26th September 18:00 at Bologna (in Italian)
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20 September 2019

20th PRACE Call for Project Access: Now Open

The 20th Call for Proposal for PRACE Project Access is now open until 29/10/2019 (10:00 CET). It is now possible to submit a proposal for PRACE under the defined guidelines, and apply for one of the supercomputers of the affiliated european HPC centers, including our future GPU Cluster. Proposals can be based on a 12-months or a 24/36-months schedule, for Multi-year Projects.
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09 September 2019

Cineca is joint research unit of ELIXIR-IT

ELIXIR is an European Research Infrastructure that brings together life sciences resources from across Europe. These resources include databases, software tools, best practices, training materials, cloud storage and supercomputers. ELIXIR-IT is the Italian Node of ELIXIR. Cineca is a technological partner of ELIXIR-IT
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06 September 2019

DARE project: for a urban regeneration tailored to citizenship

DARE (Digital environment for collaborative alliances to regenerate urban ecosystems in middle-sized cities) project won the 4th edition of the European Initiative UIA. The main project objectives will be the digital transition and urban regeneration of the Darsena area in Ravenna, actively involving citizens for promoting and cocreating digital culture and to update local Public Administration.
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05 September 2019

IoTwins project: digital twins for industrial plants

New EC project: a unique and flexible platform for the creation of digital twins for industrial plants, a 20 million Euro European-funded project in which CINECA participates by providing its know-how in the field of big data analysis and in the definition of complex workflows on cloud and HPC systems.
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02 September 2019

Cineca HPC department: Job positions open

Up to six new job positions (12 months) have opened for working at HPC Department. The candidates wil be selected for activities of high level support and application development concernig HPC (High Performance Computing) and HPDA (High Performance Data Analytics). Place of employment is Casalecchio di Reno BO. Submission Deadline: 25th September 2019
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19 July 2019

HPC-Europa3: ninth call for visitors open!

HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme, coordinated by Cineca, which allows researchers to carry out short "transnational access" visits. The ninth call for visitors is now open. Deadline: 19th September 2019 (23:59 CET).
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