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17 December 2018

Seismic evidence of an early afterslip during the 2012 sequence in Emilia (Italy)

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07 December 2018

Advanced Course in Modena about Big Data

Cineca and University of Modena & Reggio Emilia organize a two-month Course: “Metodologie, Tecniche e Tool per Analisi di Big Data”. Topics covered: Distributed Data Processing, Data Analytics and Visualization. The lessons will take place in January - February 2019. The course will be in Italian. The region Emilia Romagna provides 10 grants for residents. Deadline: 13 January 2019 13:00
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25 November 2018

Breaking of modulated wave groups: kinematics and energy dissipation processes

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23 November 2018

The European Open Science Cloud is officially launched

The event demonstrates the importance of EOSC for the advancement of research in Europe and introduces the new EOSC Portal. Cineca joined the EOSC-hub project as partner of the EUDAT2020’s infrastructure.
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20 November 2018

Workshop Quantum Computing and HPC on 18th December

The aim of the workshop is to bring together active and interested people in Quantum Computation as a near future perspective for High Performance Computing
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19 November 2018

CINECA HPC Help Desk Service: Satisfaction Survey

Starting from November, 19th till December, 21st, a Satisfaction Survey on CINECA HPC Help Desk Service is available. Help us to improve this service! The survey is anonymous
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15 November 2018

SHAPE 8th Call for Applications: Deadline 1st December 2018

It is open to all European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to SMEs business. DEADLINE: 1st December 2018
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15 November 2018

PRACE Digest 2018 now available online

This eighth edition of the PRACE Digest is launched at SC18. The PRACE Digest aims to cover a variety of HPC applications in different research fields, and this issue includes a number of interesting topics.
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12 November 2018


Cineca received the Big Data Value Association i-Space Gold 2018 label, and joins the best data innovation centers in Europe, to support development of the society in private and public sectors
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12 November 2018

MARCONI ranked at number 19 in the November 2018 Top500 list

The Italian supercomputer MARCONI, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, is now number 19 with ~10,5 PFlops in the November 2018 Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world. Two Cineca systems are ranked in the list.
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11 November 2018

Visit Cineca's booth (#2047) at SC18 in Dallas

Also this year we'll be present at Supercomputing 2018 in Dallas, Texas, at booth #2047. Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about new opportunities of collaboration and services. Visit us November 12 to 16 and we'll tell you about the perspectives of development of HPC in Cineca
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09 November 2018

26-27 November: 1' SMEs & industries workshop

The HPC-Europa 3 project is organizing the first workshop on HPC for industries and SMEs with the title "Simulation for Automotive Technologies with High Performance Computers". The workshop will be held on the 26-27 of November 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany. Registration Open
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