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08 November 2018

Cineca will be present at Metstrade 2018

LINCOLN organises the workshop "Data analytics from smart vessels" at Metstrade 2018 (Amsterdam - 14 November). Claudio Arlandini will present LincoSim, a tool for automatic virtual towing tank analysis.
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26 October 2018

PRACE Summer of HPC 2018: Awards Ceremony

The PRACE Summer of HPC (SoHPC) Awards Ceremony 2018 was held on 23 October 2018 at Jülich Supercomputing Centre. Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that allows twenty university students from all scientific disciplines to spend two summer months at HPC centres (PRACE partners) across Europe. Two exemplary students were awarded prizes based on their participation in the Summer of HPC 2018.
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16 October 2018

HPC-Europa3: sixth call for applicants

HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme, coordinated by Cineca, which allows researchers to carry out short "transnational access" visits. The sixth call for visitors is now open. Deadline: 15th November 2018 (23:59 CEST).
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10 October 2018

18th PRACE Call for Project Access: Deadline 30 October

The 18th Call for Proposal for PRACE Project Access is now open until 30/10/2018 (10:00 CET). It is now possible to submit a proposal for PRACE under the defined guidelines, and apply for one of the supercomputers of the affiliated european HPC centers, including our MARCONI. Proposals can be based on a 12-months or a 24/36-months schedule, for Multi-year Projects.
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10 October 2018

PRACE launches 8th Call for Applications under SHAPE

It is open to all European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to SMEs business. DEADLINE: 1st December 2018
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08 October 2018

PRACEdays18: Executive Summary

The fifth edition of PRACEdays18 was part for the third time of the European HPC Summit Week and took place from 29 May to 31 May 2018 at the University Ljubljana, Slovenia. The theme of PRACEdays was”HPC for innovation: When science meets industry” which brought together experts from academia and industry who presented their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering.
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01 October 2018

EC: invest €1 billion in world-class European supercomputers

The Council of Ministers officially backed the Commission's plans to invest jointly with the Member States in building a world-class European supercomputing infrastructure. Supercomputers are needed to process ever larger amounts of data. They bring benefits to society in many areas, from health care and renewable energy to car safety and cybersecurity.
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25 September 2018

28 September: Cineca at European Researchers' Night

The EU Researchers' Night invites you to meet the heroes of science; that is to say, the researchers from different disciplines whose fascinating work can change our lives. With family, friends, your school or on your own, you will become a scientist for a day, participate in science activities and most of all have fun! Cineca takes part at the events in Rome and Bologna.
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04 September 2018

18th PRACE Call for Project Access: Now Open

The 18th Call for Proposal for PRACE Project Access is now open until 30/10/2018 (10:00 CET). It is now possible to submit a proposal for PRACE under the defined guidelines, and apply for one of the supercomputers of the affiliated european HPC centers, including our MARCONI. Proposals can be based on a 12-months or a 24/36-months schedule, for Multi-year Projects.
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28 August 2018

HBP School – The Brain Simulation Platform: 17-21 September at Palermo

This School will introduce participants to the Brain Simulation Platform of the Human Brain Project, with the main aim to train users on how to exploit the possibilities offered by the Platform to implement cellular level computational models, to use High Performance Analytics and Computing Platform systems to configure and run a simulation, and to visualise/analyse the results.
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28 August 2018

The quantum impact: August 28th at 6.00pm in Bologna

In which way will quantum technologies change our lives? This is the theme of the scientific aperitif that will be held at Dynamo Velostazione, Bologna, 28 August 6.00pm, with Elisa Ercolessi (University of Bologna) and Daniele Ottaviani (CINECA). The event is part of the Society project, within the cycle of meetings "Aspettando La Notte 2018", in view of the 2018 Researchers’ Night.
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24 August 2018

On the effects of surface corrugation on the hydrodynamic performance of cylindrical rigid structures

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