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24 July 2018

Onda Solare with Emilia 4 won American Solar Challenge 2018

The Italian team "Onda Solare" of University of Bologna won the American Solar Challenge (Multi Occupant Vehicle Class), the competition to design, build, and drive solar-powered cars in a cross-country time/distance rally event. Cineca collaborates with the team and is a partner of Onda Solare Project.
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23 July 2018

HPC-Europa3: fifth call for applicants open

HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme, coordinated by Cineca, which allows researchers to carry out short "transnational access" visits. The fifth call for visitors is now open. Deadline Thursday 13th September 2018 (23:59 CET).
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19 July 2018

ISCRA Call: deadline extended & resources increased

Call for ISCRA class B projects is open. Total available resources have been increased and the maximum size of the projects was also increased. Class B projects can request up to 10 Million total CPU hours on the MARCONI-A2 machine. Maximum duration: 12 months. Deadline: September the 17th 2018 at 23:59
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09 July 2018

14th Advanced School on Computer Graphics for Cultural Heritage

The school (in Italian) will be held in Bologna on 08-12 October 2018. Title of this edition: Ecosistemi digitali e ambienti virtuali interattivi per il Cultural Heritage. Application deadline: July 29th, 2018.
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26 June 2018

Cineca expresses sincere condolences for Sergio's passing away

We are close to Roberta, Luca and the whole family for the death of Sergio Bernardi, our friend and colleague whose enthusiasm and vital spirit will continue to support us.
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25 June 2018

MARCONI ranked at number 18 in the June 2018 Top500 list

The Italian supercomputer MARCONI, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, is now number 18 with ~8,5 PFlops in the June 2018 Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world. Two Cineca systems are ranked in the list.
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19 June 2018

Master in High Performance Computing (HPC) in Trieste

The enrollment for the 5th edition of the Master in High Performance Computing (HPC) is opened. Deadline July 9th. This master is a post-graduation school that is organized in Trieste by the synergistic cooperation of two excellence research centers: SISSA and ICTP .
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19 June 2018

Appointed the new members of Cineca Access Panel

New members were appointed by Cineca Executive Board of May 21st 2018 until May 31st 2019.
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13 June 2018

Onda Solare with Emilia 4 is ready for American Solar Challenge

The Italian team "Onda Solare" will compete in July in the American Solar Challenge, the competition to design, build, and drive solar-powered cars in a cross-country time/distance rally event. Cineca collaborates with the team and is a partner of Onda Solare Project.
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31 May 2018

Inaugurated supercomputer Cresco 6

Born out of a partnership between ENEA and CINECA, CRESCO 6 is the most powerful computing infrastructure in Southern Italy, has a computational capacity of 700 thousand billions of mathematical operations per second (700TeraFlops)
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28 May 2018

Cineca HPC department: Job position open

CINECA announces a selection procedure for the coverage of one job position lasting 36 months. Submission Deadline: 25th June 2018 12:00
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21 May 2018

PPI4HPC starts its joint procurement process

PPI4HPC has now published the contract notice specifying criteria which candidates must meet to participate in the competitive dialogue. Any interested HPC vendor or stakeholder can ask to participate in the PPI4HPC competitive dialogue. The time to receive tenders or requests to participate is 9 July 2018.
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