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09 May 2018

SHAPE 7th Call for Applications: Deadline 1st June 2018

It is open to all European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to SMEs business. DEADLINE: Friday 1st June 2018
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08 May 2018

PRACEdays18: 29 -31 May in Ljubljana

From 29 May to 31 May 2018 at the University Ljubljana, Slovenia, PRACE will organise the 5 edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference – PRACEdays18 – under the motto ”HPC for innovation: When science meets industry”. The conference will bring together experts from academia and industry who will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering.
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02 May 2018

HPC-Europa3: fourth call for applicants open

HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme, coordinated by Cineca, which allows researchers to carry out short "transnational access" visits. The fourth call for visitors is now open. Deadline Thursday 17th May 2018 (23:59 CET).
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16 April 2018

PRACEdays18: Deadline Registration 7 May

From 28 May to 1 June 2017, PRACE will organise the 5th edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference. Registration for the European HPC Sumit Week 2018 and PRACEdays18 will close on 7 May.
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11 April 2018

New meteo website available at Cineca

High Performance Computing platforms for Weather Forecast
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09 April 2018

1.2 Terabit link between CNAF and CINECA

An ultrafast link, up to 1,2 Terabit per second, now connects the two major Italian computing centers: CNAF and CINECA
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26 March 2018

SHAPE 7th Call for Applications Opens 3 April

It is open to all European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to SMEs business. DEADLINE: Friday 1st June 2018
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23 March 2018

Roadmap of the High Performance Computing in Italy and the establishment of a Scientific Advisory Board in CINECA

On Friday 23rd March 2018 at Cineca was held the workshop about the future roadmap of the High Performance Computing in Italy and the establishment of a Scientific Advisory Board in CINECA.
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08 March 2018

17th PRACE Call for Project Access: Now Open

The 17th Call for Proposal for PRACE Project Access is now open until 02/05/2018 (10:00 CET). It is now possible to submit a proposal for PRACE under the defined guidelines, and apply for one of the supercomputers of the affiliated european HPC centers, including our MARCONI. Proposals can be based on a 12-months or a 24/36-months schedule, for Multi-year Projects.
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08 March 2018

Cineca & Reggia di Caserta: Sentiment Analysis

On 8th March at Caserta Royal Palace was held a presentation on Reggia di Caserta Sentiment Analysis as a tool for territorial marketing. It is a collaboration between Reggia di Caserta and Cineca SCAI department.
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07 March 2018

Roadmap of the High Performance Computing in Italy and the establishment of a Scientific Advisory Board in CINECA

On Friday 23rd March 2018 at Cineca premises in Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna will be held the workshop about the future roadmap of the High Performance Computing in Italy and the establishment of a Scientific Advisory Board in CINECA.
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05 March 2018

8 March Reggia di Caserta: presentation on Sentiment Analysis

On 8th March at 12:00 at Caserta Royal Palace will be held a presentation on Reggia di Caserta Sentiment Analysis. It is a collaboration between Reggia di Caserta and Cineca SCAI department.
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