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04 December 2017

PRACEdays18: Call for Contributions and Poster

Do you want present your advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering at PRACEdays18 ? Submit your contributions by 2 January 2018
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23 November 2017


Cineca received the Big Data Value Association i-Space Silver label, and joins the best data innovation centers in Europe, to support development of the society in private and public sectors
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13 November 2017

MARCONI ranked at number 14 in the new Top500

The Italian supercomputer MARCONI, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, is now number 14 in the November 2017 Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world. MARCONI is the largest supercomputer available in Italy today and is the second in Europe. Three Cineca systems are ranked in the list.
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11 November 2017

HPC-Europa3: second call for visitors open - LAST DAYS

HPC-Europa is an EC-funded programme, coordinated by Cineca, which allows researchers to carry out short "transnational access" visits. The second call for visitors is now open. Deadline Thursday 16th November 2017 (23:59 CET).
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11 November 2017

Visit Cineca's booth (#711) at SC17 in Denver

Also this year we'll be present at Supercomputing 2017 in Denver, Colorado, at booth #771. Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about new opportunities of collaboration and services. Visit us November 13 to 17 and we'll tell you about the perspectives of development of HPC in Cineca
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10 November 2017

PRACE Summer of HPC 2017: Awards Ceremony

The PRACE Summer of HPC (SoHPC) Awards Ceremony 2017 was held on 31 October 2017 in Czech Republic. The PRACE Summer of HPC is a placement programme that allows twenty university students from all scientific disciplines to spend two summer months at HPC centres (PRACE partners) across Europe. Two exemplary students were awarded prizes based on their participation in the Summer of HPC 2017.
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29 September 2017

SHAPE Sixth Call for Applications Opens 2 October

It is open to all European SMEs with an interesting idea that would benefit from High Performance Computing. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to SMEs business. DEADLINE: Friday 1st December 2017
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27 September 2017

16th PRACE Call for Project Access: Now Open

The 16th Call for Proposal for PRACE Project Access is now open until 21/11/2017 (10:00 CET). It is now possible to submit a proposal for PRACE under the defined guidelines, and apply for one of the supercomputers of the affiliated european HPC centers, including our MARCONI. Proposals can be based on a 12-months or a 24/36-months schedule, for Multi-year Projects.
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25 September 2017

Cineca at European Researchers' Night (29 Sept.)

The EU Researchers' Night invites you to meet the heroes of science; that is to say, the researchers from different disciplines whose fascinating work can change our lives. With family, friends, your school or on your own, you will become a scientist for a day, participate in science activities and most of all have fun! Cineca, this year, take part at the events in Rome and Bologna
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15 September 2017

Some notes on ParCo2017 conference

Cineca and the foundation ParCo Conferences organized at Bologna from 12 September to 15 September 2017 the International Conference on Parallel Computing. Since their inception in 1983 the ParCo conferences stimulated the development and application of parallel computers on a world-wide scale.
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12 September 2017

Cineca: Two fixed-term contract at SCAI department

CINECA announces a selection procedure for the coverage of two fixed-term contract lasting 36 months each. Submission Deadline: 27th September 2017 12:00
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01 September 2017

Only a few days left to ParCo2017: 12 - 15 September, Bologna

Cineca and the foundation ParCo Conferences organize at Bologna from 12 September to 15 September 2017 the International Conference on Parallel Computing. Since their inception in 1983 the ParCo conferences stimulated the development and application of parallel computers on a world-wide scale.
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