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17 March 2017

ParCo2017: Call for Paper - Deadline Extended

Cineca and the foundation ParCo Conferences organize at Bologna from 12 September to 15 September 2017 the International Conference on Parallel Computing. Since their inception in 1983 the ParCo conferences stimulated the development and application of parallel computers on a world-wide scale. Deadline extended: 3 April 2017
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14 March 2017

Artificial Intelligence: from universities to enterprises. The Deep Learning Revolution

You are invited to participate at an event on Deep Learning (in Italian) to be held on 12 April 2017 in Bologna. This event is organized by E4 Computer Engineering, NVIDIA, Università di Bologna, with the collaboration of IBM. The event is free, but places are limited.
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09 March 2017

Network-guided modeling allows tumor-type independent prediction of sensitivity to all-trans-retinoic acid

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09 March 2017

PRACEdays17: Registration is now open

From 16 to 18 May 2017, PRACE will organise the fourth edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference – PRACEdays17 – under the motto "HPC for Innovation: when Science meets Industry" in Barcelona, Spain.
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06 March 2017

ECMWF's new data centre: First step in new international investment in Italy

The Italian proposal is considered the best from the point of view of the requirements and the overall interests of ECMWF. Council mandated Director-General Florence Rabier to prepare a high-level agreement with the Italian Government, for approval by Council at its next session. The Italian proposal would see the future ECMWF data centre located in Bologna (Italy).
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14 February 2017

4th Symposium on Big Data - Call for Paper

As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2017), "The 4th International Symposium on Big Data Principles, Architectures & Applications" will be held on July 17 – 21, 2017 in Genoa, Italy. Paper Submission Deadline: April 01, 2017
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06 February 2017

Cineca coordinator of a new European H2020 project: HPC-Europa3

Transnational Access Programme for a Pan-European Network of HPC Research Infrastructures and Laboratories for scientific computing (HPC-Europa3) is the new 4-years project funded by EC. HPC-Europa3 aims at maintaining the persistency of a high quality service of transnational access to the most advanced HPC infrastructures available in Europe for the European research science community.
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01 February 2017

ECMWF: Video in support of the Italian candidacy of Bologna

Will Bologna be the new headquarters of the European Weather Center? Pending the imminent verdict, scheduled for the beginning of February, Cineca along with the Emilia-Romagna Region, Arpae, Aster, FBM, and with the support of the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, produced a video that tells the tradition, the expertise and excellence of the territory, in support of the nomination.
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25 January 2017

Applications open for two exciting PRACE summer activities

Both activities are expense-paid programmes and will allow participants to travel and stay at a hosting location and learn about HPC: 1. The 2017 International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences 2. The PRACE Summer of HPC 2017 programm
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24 January 2017

International HPC Summer School 2017: applications open

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States are invited to apply for the 8th International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, to be held June 25 – 30, 2017, in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Interested students should apply by March 6th, 2017.
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16 January 2017

SPXXL: Winter Workshop 2017

SPXXL organize the Winter Workshop 2017 on 5-10 February at Cineca, Bologna, Italy. This is a Lenovo-focused meeting. We will have roadmap presentations from Lenovo and their hardware partner(s) along with deep-dive technical content and site updates and topical presentations from fellow HPCXXL member sites around the world
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15 January 2017

LISA Call is now open

Researchers of the Universities and Research Centers based in Lombardy are invited to submit scientific projects in order to receive High Performance Resources and specialized support. The proposals are eligible from any scientific discipline. Deadline: 15th February 2017
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