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15 January 2017

LISA Call is now open

Researchers of the Universities and Research Centers based in Lombardy are invited to submit scientific projects in order to receive High Performance Resources and specialized support. The proposals are eligible from any scientific discipline. Deadline: 15th February 2017
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11 January 2017

Summer of HPC 2017: Applications are now open

PRACE will organize in 2017 again summer placements at CINECA or other HPC centres across Europe to late stage undergraduates and early stage postgraduate students. Deadline: 19th of February 2017
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04 January 2017

PRACEdays17: Call for Contributions and Poster

Do you want present your advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering at PRACEdays17 ? Submit your contributions by Sunday 8 January 2017
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03 January 2017

Cineca HPC Courses and Schools 2017

The 2017 training calendar is on-line. All the training events are free of charge, and some of them are sponsored by PRACE, so some grants may be available.
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01 January 2017

Optimised prefactored compact schemes for linear wave propagation phenomena

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23 December 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy 2017

Merry Christmas and our best wishes for happiness in the new year! * Buone feste *
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15 December 2016

Effect of DNA on the conformational dynamics of the endonucleases I-DmoI as provided by molecular dynamics simulations

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15 December 2016

Conformational Dynamics of Lysine Methyltransferase Smyd2. Insights into the Different Substrate Crevice Characteristics of Smyd2 and Smyd3

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28 November 2016

Summer of HPC 2016: Awards Ceremony at Cineca

Thursday, December 1, 11:00 am, Cineca organizes at Bologna a meeting to present Summer of HPC, the transnational mobility program promoted by PRACE.
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25 November 2016

PRACE Winter School: application now open

PRACE 2017 Winter School - Fuelling Scientific Discovery with HPC Infrastructure - will take place on 6-9 February 2017 in Tel Aviv, Israel. The school is offered free of charge to researchers, academics and industrial users, residing in PRACE member states and eligible countries.
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17 November 2016

Cineca won the HPCwire 2016 award in the Best Use of HPC Application in the Energy Industry

Every year HPCwire selects the best and the brightest developments that happened in HPC over the last 12 months. This year, Cineca with Zeco, Enginsoft and Fortissimo named winner of HPCwire 2016 Editors Choice award in the "Best Use of HPC Application in the Energy Industry"
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14 November 2016

MARCONI ranked at number 12 in the newly Top500

The Italian supercomputer MARCONI, Intel Xeon Phi, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, is now number 12 in the November 2016 Top500 list. Three Cineca systems are ranked in the list.
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