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19 April 2016

PRACE days 2016 - Registration until 29 April!

From May 10-12 2016, PRACE organise the third edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference – PRACEdays16 – under the motto HPC for Innovation: when Science meets Industry in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will bring together experts from academia and industry who will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering.
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14 April 2016

Cineca: Five fixed-term contract at SCAI department

CINECA announces a selection procedure for the coverage of five fixed-term contract lasting 36 months each. Submission Deadline: 29th April 2016.
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13 April 2016

MARCONI: the new Cineca supercomputer

Marconi is the new Italian class Tier-0 supercomputer, available for the Italian and European research community. It has been co-designed by Cineca on the Lenovo NeXtScale architecture. It is equipped with the new Intel Xeon processors and it will reach a performance of about 20 PFlop/s, while maintaining a low energy consumption. Delivery is expected for mid June.
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12 April 2016

IPCEI project: Luxembourg, France, Italy and Spain signed the agreement

IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) on HPC and Big Data Enabled Applications (IPCEI-HPC-BDA) intends to develop a number of real-time integrative HPC applications towards a “Smart Nation”. CINECA, with INFN, GARR and CNR, is a core partner of the IPCEI project.
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12 April 2016

Turbulent dynamo in a collisionless plasma

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30 March 2016

LISA: Three Research Scholarships at Cineca SCAI

CINECA announces a public selection procedure for the awarding of three research scholarships lasting 12 months each. Submission Deadline: 29th April 2016. (In Italian)
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30 March 2016

LISA workshop 2016: HPC & Bionformatics and Life Science

Save the Date: On April 6th at 14:00 in Milan, at Lombardy Region buildings, will take place a presentation of different services for the Lombardy research. Special track for Bioinformatics and Life Science.
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29 March 2016

Human Brain Project HBP: Public Platform Release

On 30 March 2016, the Human Brain Project is releasing the first components, services and tools of its 6 ICT Platforms to the scientific community (Neuroinformatics, Brain Simulation, High Performance Analytics and Computing, Medical Informatics, Neuromorphic Computing, Neurorobotics). The event will be web-streamed live at 09:30 and 14:00
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22 March 2016

The ANTAREX project in HPC wins H2020 grant

The ANTAREX research project, coordinated by Cristina Silvano from Politecnico di Milano, wins a 3 million euro grant in the H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies programme on High Performance Computing. The project involves leading academic and industrial partners as well as CINECA.
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07 March 2016

PRACE 13th Call for Project Access: now open

The 13th Call for Proposal for Project Access will be open from today until 1 April 2016, 17:00 CET. Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule, or, for Multi-year Projects, on a 24- or 36-months schedule. The 13th Call will offer resources on Marconi (new CINECA HPC system) and MareNostrum (BSC). Allocation start date of awarded proposals: 1 September 2016
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24 February 2016

INFN and CINECA together to study gravitational waves

A series of partnership agreement between INFN and CINECA are in place to enhance the research in computational Physics in Italy. One of this has completed a series of simulations of the merger of Neutron Stars. The detection of the gravitational waves emitted will open new frontiers in the understanding of the physics of nuclear matter in the extreme conditions that are present in Neutron stars.
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22 February 2016

Webinar on Fortissimo 2 Open Call: 2 March

Fortissimo Open Call informative session: On 2 March You can get more details and hints on how to write a proposal.
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