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15 December 2015

Multiple approach to model unpaired spin density effects in H-ZSM5 zeolite with extra-framework O atom: H-abstraction reaction from methane

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15 December 2015

The CODATA-RDA Summer School of Research Data Science

From 1st to 12th August 2016 at the ICTP, Trieste, Italy will be held a summer school in the data science approaches and skills that are essential for 21st century research. Application now OPEN!
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14 December 2015

MAX: Materials design at the exascale

MAX, the European center of excellence - a H2020 e-infrastructure - in material science, is now ready to go. In Italy, Modena, on December 14-15, 2015 was held the kick-off meeting, an opportunity to discuss the latest technologies and models of development of the center.
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10 December 2015

PRACE Launches 3rd Call for Applications under SHAPE

It is open to all European SMEs that have an interesting idea that can be implemented using HPC. The selected solutions should bring a potential tangible Return on Investment to their business. DEADLINE: 14 January 2016
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01 December 2015


Call for ISCRA class B projects are open. Class B projects can request from 1 Million up to 10 Million total CPU hours on the FERMI machine. The typical request is expected to be around 5 Million hours and at least require 1.024 processors. Maximum duration of 12 months. Deadline: January the 15th 2016
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30 November 2015

Refraction index of shock compressed water in the megabar pressure range

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30 November 2015

Telethon Call for Applications: Now Open

The Telethon call for applications for researchers in Italian institute is now open. The researchers can use the Cineca HPC infrastructure. Deadline: 15 January 2016
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27 November 2015

PRACE days 2016 - Call for contributions is now open

From May 10-12 2016, PRACE will organise the third edition of its Scientific and Industrial Conference – PRACEdays16 – under the motto HPC for Innovation: when Science meets Industry in Prague, Czech Republic. The conference will bring together experts from academia and industry who will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering. Extended Deadline: 13 December 2015
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27 November 2015

Ideas for the Naval Supply Chain

Alessandro Chiarini (CINECA) is giving a talk about Numerical Simulation and Supercomputing for Small Medium Enterprises in an event on 4th December in Rovigo organized by the local Chamber of Commerce and T2I, a technology transfer and innovation Agency. The event is held in italian.
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25 November 2015

Digital Manufacturing e Industrial IoT: casi applicativi e opportunità di finanziamento

Dr Claudio Arlandini by Cineca will talk in an event in Vignola (MO) organized by CRIT and Digital Manufacturing research group leaded by Prof. Giuseppe Padula from Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino, to stimulate the investment of manufacturing company on a key topic for the future of their competitiveness.
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02 October 2015

LISA Call: opening soon

All the researchers of the Universities and Research Centers based in Lombardy are invited to submit scientific projects in order to receive High Performance Resources and specialized support. The proposals are eligible from any scientific discipline. Calls will be opened before the end of 2015.
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30 September 2015

PRACE 12th Call for Project Access: now open

The 12th Call for Proposal for Project Access will be open from today until 11 November 2015, 12:00 (noon) CET. Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule, or, for Multi-year Projects, on a 24- or 36-months schedule. The 12th Call will offer resources on FERMI (CINECA) and MareNostrum (BSC). Allocation start date of awarded proposals: 14 March 2016
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