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01 June 2015

RAP: RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline, a new cloud-based NGS web application

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27 May 2015

HBP call: Italian Info Day on June 5th

On June 5th in Florence will be held the Italian Info Day about Human Brain Project (HBP) Call for Expressions of Interest on Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience. HBP is one of the most ambitious and innovative scientific projects of the European Community.
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26 May 2015

The EUDAT Call for Data Pilots is OPEN

EUDAT invites pan-European or multi-national research communities and infrastructures seeking robust & trustworthy solutions to research data challenges, intending to work with and support global research data standardization of initiatives or interested in testing, implementing, integrated or developing existing EUDAT services & identifying new ones to apply to the data Pilot call.
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20 May 2015

PRACE days 2015: Enable science foster industry

The PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2015 (PRACEdays15) will be held in Dublin, at the Aviva Stadium, from 26 to 28 May 2015, under the motto: Enable Science Foster Industry
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05 May 2015

Che-1-induced inhibition of mTOR pathway enables stress-induced autophagy

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04 May 2015

Che-1 modulates the decision between cell cycle arrest and apoptosis by its binding to p53

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24 April 2015

The new Cineca Supercomputing, GALILEO: a collaborative effort by Cineca, INFN and Bicocca

After a short period of testing, Galileo, the new supercomputer installed at Cineca, came into full production. The investment is the collaborative effort between INFN and University of Milano-Bicocca, which partially funded the acquisition costs of the new system.
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24 April 2015

The ANTAREX project in HPC wins H2020 grant

The ANTAREX research project, coordinated by Cristina Silvano from Politecnico di Milano, wins a 3 million euro grant in the H2020 Future and Emerging Technologies programme on High Performance Computing. The project involves leading academic and industrial partners as well as CINECA.
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23 April 2015

PRACE turns 5: onwards and upwards!

On 23 April 2015, PRACE – the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe – celebrates its 5th anniversary. In the past five years, PRACE has made an enormous leap from a project-based consortium to a fully-fledged international association of 25 countries with an office in Brussels and multiple projects that it leads or co-operates in.
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23 April 2015

On April 21st in Milan "High Performance Computing: enabling technology for Research and Innovation" Online presentations

On April 21st in Milan - Palazzo Lombardia, are presented the initiatives implemented by the Lombardy Region, in collaboration with CINECA, to promote the use of High Performance Computing in research, particularly to Lombardy universities. Presentations are on line.
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09 April 2015

Save the date: 21 April "High Performance Computing: enabling technology for Research and Innovation"

On April 21st, at 14.15 in Milan - Palazzo Lombardia, will be presented the initiatives implemented by the Lombardy Region, in collaboration with CINECA, to promote the use of High Performance Computing in research, particularly to Lombardy universities.
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03 April 2015

Cineca becomes a Full Member of the BDVA

Big Data Value Association (BDVA) is a fully self-financed non–for-profit organisation, the members comprise small and large European organisation from public and private sector of business, industry, academia and research that support the objectives of the BDVA. The BDVA General Assembly unanimously approved Cineca Full Membership of the BDVA.
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