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13 October 2014

E-IRG Workshop 10-11 November Rome - Call for participation

The main objective of the e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) initiative is to support the creation of a political, technological and administrative framework for an easy and cost-effective shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe. Particular attention is directed towards grid computing, storage, and networking.
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01 October 2014

Multi-Kepler GPU vs. multi-Intel MIC for spin systems simulations

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01 October 2014

Fortissimo Forum 2014 - 15 October - Milan

Cineca and the Fortissimo consortium will organize first Fortissimo Forum on October 15th at Politecnico di Milano. The Fortissimo Forum will bring together Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Service Providers, Small & Medium Eenterprises (SMEs) and technical experts around the theme of HPC applications in the cloud.
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10 September 2014

PRACE 10th Call for Project Access is now open

The 10th Call for proposals for PRACE Project Access (Tier-0) will close on October 22, 12:00(noon) CEST. CINECA invites all interested scientists and researchers, whose projects fit the criteria of the PRACE calls, to submit their projects. This Call for Proposals targets large-scale, computationally intensive projects that would not be possible or productive without access to PRACE resources
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29 July 2014

EUDAT Conference 24-25 Sept 2014 Amsterdam

3rd EUDAT Conference "Bringing data infrastructures to Horizon2020": a meeting point for data infrastructure users and providers from across Europe.
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25 July 2014

A HPC infrastructure for processing and visualizing neuro-anatomical images obtained by Confocal Light Sheet Microscopy

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25 July 2014

Performance and energy efficiency in material science simulation on heterogeneous architectures

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25 July 2014

ODESSA: A high performance analysis pipeline for Ultra Deep targeted Exome Sequencing data

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25 July 2014

Enabling hydrodynamics solver for efficient parallel simulations

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24 July 2014

Multi-Kepler GPU vs. multi-intel MIC: A two test case performance study

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09 July 2014

Structural control on the Tohoku earthquake rupture process investigated by 3D FEM, tsunami and geodetic data

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09 July 2014

PRACE PCP "Whole System Design for Energy Efficient HPC"

PRACE Pre-Commercial Procurement: completed the "TENDERING STAGE," now begins the "EXECUTION STAGE". Phase I (solution design) yielded 5 successful proposals from around Europe. Phase I will end in January 2015.
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