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16 April 2014

HPC Public-Private Partnership: Info Day

ETP4HPC and the European Commission established a contractual Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for supporting the development of the European HPC eco-system and facilitate the achievement of research and investment objectives in the area of HPC technology provision, application development and sustainable HPC infrastructure. The first public event within this charter was held in Paris on April, 9.
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07 April 2014

"The Big Iron" - April 7th in Milan - Online presentations

50 years after submission of the first important family of mainframe computers (7 April 1964): how these "Big Iron" influenced the course of computer science and the evolution of our society until the present day? On line presentations.
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24 March 2014

HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications

The HPC (High Performance Computing) enabling of OpenFOAM for CFD applications is a technical, 3 days, review course. The aim of the course is to provide to the participants a clear update, from a technical point of view, of the key subjects, models and tools available today on OpenFOAM, the standard de-facto CFD open-source library.
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12 March 2014

HPCS 2014 - Bologna - July 21-25 - Call for Papers - Extended Deadline

Cineca is the co-organizer of "The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference" (HPCS 2014) to be held in Bologna on July 21-25, 2014. Extended Submission Deadline: different deadlines scheduled from March 25 to March 31, 2014
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12 March 2014

Cineca at ISC' 14: June 23-25 in Leipzig (Germany)

This year we'll be present at ISC 2014 in Leipzig, Germany, at booth #921. Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about new opportunities of collaboration and services. Visit us June 23 to 25 and we'll tell you about the perspectives of development of HPC in Cineca.
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28 February 2014

Big Data and Open Data Workshop: Bruxelles 7-8 May

ERF-AISBL with Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste, is planning to address the big data and open data issues by organizing a first workshop focused on the common problems that all data producing large scale research facilities are facing and will face, and the ways to elaborate solutions. Purpose of the workshop is also to offer opportunities for discussions on specific proposals to be submitted to H2020
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26 February 2014

LISA GRANTS 2014: online presentations

On February 18th in Milan, at Lombardy Region buildings, took place a presentation of different research experiences of the Lombardy Univerisities based on High Performance Computing. Presentations are on line.
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17 February 2014

HPCS 2014 - Bologna - July 21-25 - Call for Papers

Cineca is the co-organizer of "The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference" (HPCS 2014) in Bologna on July 21-25, 2014. Paper Submission Deadline: March 11th.
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13 February 2014

The PRACE 9th Call for Project Access is now open

The PRACE 9th Call for proposals for PRACE Project Access (Tier-0) will close on March 25, 12:00 (noon) CET. CINECA invites all interested scientists, whose projects fit the criteria of the PRACE calls, to submit their projects. This Call for Proposals targets large-scale, computationally intensive projects that would not be possible or productive without access to PRACE resources.
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13 February 2014

HPCS 2014 - Bologna - July 21-25 - Call for Papers

Cineca is the co-organizer of "The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference" (HPCS 2014) in Bologna on July 21-25, 2014. Paper Submission Deadline: March 11th.
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10 February 2014

LISA GRANTS 2014 and the funding opportunities in the frame of Horizon 2020

On February 18th at 2:00 p.m. in Milan, at Lombardy Region buildings, will take place a presentation of different research experiences of the Lombardy Univeristies based on High Performance Computing.
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30 January 2014

The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference

Cineca is the co-organizer of "The 2014 High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference" (HPCS 2014) in Bologna on July 21-25, 2014.
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