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29 January 2014

International Summer School 2014: Budapest 1-6 June

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from institutions in Europe, Canada, Japan and the United States are invited to apply for the fifth International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, to be held from 1 to 6 June 2014 in Budapest, Hungary. The deadline for applications is March 9, 2014.
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23 January 2014

EUDAT Calls for Collaboration Projects

EUDAT is offering free resources and expertise to pilot collaboration projects as part of its Collaborative Data Infrastructure where users, community centres and large data centres collaboratively tackle data challenges. Research communities, research projects and individual researchers are invited to make use of its data services that are available at a European scale. SUBMIT PROPOSAL BY 26 FEB
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22 January 2014

"Dagli atomi al cervello": January 27 in Milan

Politecnico di Milano and Università di Milano organize an event in Italian on the sciences for the understanding of brain functions: "Dagli atomi al cervello". Attendance is free of charge; registration is required.
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16 January 2014

HPC & Research Infrastructures in H2020: Pisa 5-6 February

APRE and CNR organize, on behalf of MIUR, with European Commission, 2 info-days. On February 5, "High Performance Computing in Horizon 2020" and on February 6, "Italian Infoday on calls for projects related to Research Infrastructures in Horizon 2020".
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13 January 2014

10th Advanced School on Parallel Computing: last days to submit

Last days to submit to the 10th Advanced School on Parallel Computing that will be held in Bologna on 10-14 February 2014. The course is free of charge and some grant are available for participants.
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13 January 2014

RDA 3rd Plenary meeting: 26-28 March 2014 in Dublin

Research Data Alliance Third Plenary Meeting - The Data Sharing Community: Playing YOUR part! The RDA is a global, grass-roots organisation dedicated to developing the tools, infrastructure, services, standards and practices that the research community needs to share and exchange its data treasures.
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19 December 2013

ESA’s Gaia mission to survey a billion stars launched today

On December 19th at 10:12 (Italian time) the mission GAIA of the European Space Agency takes off, with the launch of the satellite from the European base in Kourou (French Guiana) with the Soyuz - Fregat. Cineca collaborates in mission GAIA providing HPC resources and optimization of codes.
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17 December 2013

8 Public-Private Partnerships signed in Brussels between EC and industry

Among the 8 cPPP under Horizon2020 signed today, also the ETP4HPC cPPP, represented for the signature by Philippe Vannier (for ETP Chair, Bull CEO) and Sanzio Bassini (Cineca) and by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission and digital agenda commissioner, and Herbert von Bose, Director of the Industrial Technologies directorate for the European Commission.
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14 December 2013

PRACE Partners launch Pre-Commercial Procurement

PRACE Partners launch Pre-Commercial Procurement: "Whole-System Design for Energy Efficient HPC". The maximum budget allocated for the whole of the PCP is € 9,000,000.00 (nine million Euro), excluding VAT.
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13 December 2013

Cineca HPC training events 2014

The 2014 training calendar is on-line. All the training events are free of charge. Next course is "Introduction to Fortran90" on 20-23 January 2014 in Rome. Registration is now open.
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09 December 2013

PRACE & XSEDE Call for Requests for Support

On 9 December 2013, PRACE and XSEDE jointly opened an Invitation to submit Requests for Support for interoperable services between PRACE and XSEDE resources by collaborating teams.
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04 December 2013

RDA 3rd Plenary meeting: 26-28 March 2014 in Dublin

The Research Data Alliance invites you to join the 3rd RDA Plenary Meeting, at Croke Park Conference Centre, 26 - 28 March 2014, Dublin, Ireland. The meeting focuses on the theme ‘The Data Sharing Community: Playing YOUR Part’ and is about exploiting RDA’s work to date to its full potential. Topics range from agriculture to particle physics, and from humanities to bioinformatics.
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