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03 December 2013

PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2014 - Call for Contributions

In 2014, 20 - 22 May, PRACE organises in Barcelona its first Scientific and Industrial Conference – the first edition of the PRACE days - under the motto HPC for Innovation – when Science meets Industry. The conference will bring together experts from academia and industry who will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering.
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29 November 2013

"Project Management e Ricerca: sinergia o competizione?" - 6/12/2013 Trento

Fondazione Bruno Kessler organizes an open event on "Project Management e Ricerca: sinergia o competizione?" in Povo, Trento
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21 November 2013

Cineca is present at the HBP Summit 2013

At the Human Brain Project Summit October 7 - 11, 2013, scientists got together to kick off 12 subprojects, or areas of study. The Human Brain Project will bring together 80 universities and thousands of scientists in an unprecedented collaborative effort.
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20 November 2013

FERMI reconfirmed among the highest positions in the TOP500

The Italian supercomputer FERMI, IBM Blue Gene/Q, is now number 15 in the November 2013 Top500 list. Fermi, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, was installed at Cineca in June 2012. Two Cineca systems, FERMI and PLX, are ranked in the list.
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12 November 2013

Visit Cineca's booth (#3143-3243) at SC13 in Denver

Also this year we'll be present at Supercomputing 2013 in Denver, Colorado, at booth #3143-3243. Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about new opportunities of collaboration and services. Visit us November 18 to 21 and we'll tell you about the perspectives of development of HPC in Cineca and offer you a little taste of Italian excellence!
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31 October 2013

Competitive call for HPC-Cloud-based Application Experiments for the FORTISSIMO project

The Fortissimo project is funding a set of experiments to drive the creation and demonstrate the business potential of an HPC-Cloud service ecosystem. Call closure: January 2nd 2014 at 17h00, Brussels local time.
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28 October 2013

Intel® Parallel Computing Center at Cineca

To meet future scientific computing demands, systems in the next decade that will support millions of processor cores with thousands of threads: increased compute power will only get us so far. Future performance gains will also come through parallelism and modernizing key applications will help us make the next leap in discovery. Cineca is now a Intel® Parallel Computing Center.
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16 October 2013

Cineca at TEDxBologna event 2013

Sanzio Bassini, SCAI director, talks at "TEDxBologna 2013: Exponential Innovations" and presents the Human brain project
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15 October 2013

HPC and 2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

Recently Nobel Laureate Prof. Martin Karplus (together with Prof. Michael Levitt and Prof. Arieh Warshel) represents an important award as it highlights the definitive importance of computer simulations in modelling and understanding chemical reactions.
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07 October 2013

Cineca as Core Partner in the FORTISSIMO project

Today, a consortium of 45 partners announced the formation of Fortissimo: a collaborative project that will enable European SMEs to be more competitive globally through the use of simulation services and tools running on a High Performance Computing cloud infrastructure. A “one-stop-shop” will greatly simplify access to advanced simulation, particularly to SMEs.
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07 October 2013

The Human Brain Project has begun

Scientists from the 135 partner institutions of the Human Brain Project, co-funded by the EU with an estimated budget of €1.2 billion, are meeting in Switzerland for the official launch. CINECA is one of them, core partner in the HPC platform.
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27 September 2013

α-Helical Structures Drive Early Stages of Self-Assembly of Amyloidogenic Amyloid Polypeptide Aggregate Formation in Membranes

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