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18 June 2013


The LISA call is open! Reseachers based in a University or a Research centre in the Lombardy Region are invited to apply for a grant on the CINECA supercomputing machines. Apply at
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05 June 2013

The Coastal Wave Forecasting System: evaluation of the first year of activity

Roberto Inghilesi (ISPRA), Francesca Catini (Cineca), Arianna Orasi (ISPRA)
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28 May 2013

PRACE Summer School on Enabling Applications on Parallel Architectures

PRACE Summer School on Enabling Applications on Parallel Architectures based on Intel® Many Integrated Core (MIC) will be held at Cineca, Bologna, Italy from July 8th to 11th, 2013
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27 May 2013

Shape, chirality and internal order of freely suspended nematic nanodroplets

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20 May 2013

Towards the full scale CFD modeling of the Mont-Blanc tunnel ventilation system

Scai Department @ CINECA in collaboration with DIEF (Dipartimento di Ing. Enzo Ferrari, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) and the MIMESIS (fluid dynamics & energy company) is going to run, on the PLX cluster, a flexible and versatile full-scale CFD modelling strategy of the airflow in a road tunnel.
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16 May 2013

Generation of Catalogues of PL n-manifolds: Computational Aspects on HPC Systems

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14 May 2013

Dimensionality influence on energy, enstrophy and passive scalar transport

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10 May 2013

DECI-11th PRACE Project Access (Tier-1) Call Open

The DECI-11th PRACE Call for Proposals is open until 10th June 2013, at 12:00 Brussels time. DECI enables European researchers to obtain access to the most powerful national (Tier-1) computing resources in Europe. Proposals must deal with complex, demanding, innovative simulations that would not be possible without Tier-1 access.
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08 May 2013

1 M core hours available on Cineca EURORA PRACE-2IP MIC prototype for application enabling work in collaboration with PRACE-1IP

Cineca has made available 1 million core hours of the EURORA PRACE-2IP MIC prototype for application enabling work in collaboration with PRACE-1IP
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06 May 2013

Industrial Forum and Training for Materials Modelling

There has been much progress in the use of simulation techniques for the optimization of materials and devices but translating these advances into industry-ready platforms is sometimes difficult. In order to address this issue the MMM@HPC project, funded by the EC's FP7 Programme and which includes Cineca as a partner, is organizing a free workshop and training session in Bologna.
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17 April 2013

Decoding the structure of bone

CINECA high-performance computing resources help Politecnico di Milano and MIT researchers to decipher the molecular basis of bone’s remarkable strength and resiliency; work could lead to new treatments and materials. The findings are published in the journal Nature Communications
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10 April 2013

Good news about Eurora

The internal testing phase of Eurora, the prototype built within PRACE and co-designed by Eurotech and Cineca, is giving extremely successful results
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