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09 April 2013

First Europe - China HPC Conference

First Europe - China HPC Conference -- Sofia, Bulgaria, 8-10 April 2013 Cineca is presenting its experience in high energy efficiency co-design process for HPC systems
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22 March 2013


CINECA decided to extend the next ISCRA deadline for the A&B Call. New deadline is April the 9th at 23:59.
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15 March 2013

Auto-tuning of the FFTW Library for Massively Parallel Supercomputers

Massimiliano Guarrasi (Cineca), Giovanni Erbacci (Cineca) and Andrew Emerson (Cineca)
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13 March 2013

Excitonic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons from exact diagonalization of the Hubbard model

'Excitonic properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons from exact diagonalization of the Hubbard model' by Jessica Alfonsi and Moreno Meneghetti has been selected by the editors of New Journal of Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2012’ collection.
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04 March 2013

Yambo enabled to run on 1024 cores

Yambo, a code supported by CINECA in the framework of PRACE 2IP activity, broke the 1000 CPU wall by running on the FERMI Blue Gene/Q.
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01 March 2013

Simulating high-z gamma-ray burst host galaxies

R. Salvaterra (1), U. Maio (2), B. Ciardi (3), M. A. Campisi (3)
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21 February 2013

Training available for students in Europe, U.S. and Japan at International HPC Summer School

Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the Europe, United States and Japan are invited to apply for the fourth International Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Sciences, to be held June 23-28, 2013 in New York City. The summer school is sponsored by the U.S. XSEDE project, European PRACE-2IP and Japanese RIKEN AICS.
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15 February 2013

GPU accelerated flow solver for direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows

Francesco Salvadore (Cineca), Matteo Bernardini (Sapienza, Università di Roma), Michela Botti (Cineca)
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15 February 2013

The first Call for Proposals of LISA 2012-2014 closed on February 14

Numbers demonstrate a great success of LISA! A total of 61 proposals were submitted and will go to the review process.
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13 February 2013

7th PRACE Project Access (Tier-0) Call Open

The 7th PRACE Regular Call for Proposals will be open from 13 February 2013 until 26 March 2013, noon, 12:00 Brussels Time.
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01 February 2013

Eurora, the PRACE prototype installed at Cineca: a new record for energy efficiency

In the press conference held at Cineca on January 30, Eurotech, NVIDIA and Cineca presented Eurora, the prototype system built within PRACE and co-designed by Eurotech and Cineca
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29 January 2013

HUMAN BRAIN PROJECT funded by the EC as flagship project in the FET competition

The European Commission today announced the winners of a multi-billion euro competition of Future and Emerging Technologies (FET): Graphene and Human Brain Project
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