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22 January 2013

Want to spend the summer working abroad at a European HPC Center?

Then the Summer of HPC is for you! Summer of HPC is a PRACE programme that offers summer placements at CINECA or an other HPC centres across Europe, in a PRACE partner country. Applications open at January 25th and close at 17th February 2013.
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14 January 2013

Lisa, the Cineca HPC initiative specific for Regione Lombardia

LISA (Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Advanced Simulation) is the HPC initiative co-funded by Regione Lombardia and Cineca: 100M hours of computing time are available for research of Lombardia Universities as well as 2 scholarships for Lombard graduates for training in the field of scientific and technical computing.
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07 January 2013

9th Advanced School on Parallel Computing - BOLOGNA

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19 December 2012

The complete Cineca training offer for 2013 published!

The list of training events provided by Cineca in its three sites (Bologna, Rome and Milan) under a unified HPC training offer is now available!
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19 December 2012

Cineca services for data

CINECA provides now a Data Repository service to store and maintain scientific data sets. The service will be made available in pre-production in the next weeks for a preliminary set of scientific projects and then moved to production at the beginning of the next year (2013).
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05 December 2012

SCAI - Super Computing Applications and Innovation

SCAI is the HPC department of CINECA. Its mission is to develop and promote technical and scientific services related to digital infrastructures for high performance computing, data intensive computing and repository for scientific data for the Italian and European research community.
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03 December 2012

Chemical destruction of rotationally “hot” HeH+: Quantum cross sections and mechanisms of its reaction with H

S. Bovino (Sapienza, Univesità di Roma), F.A. Gianturco (Sapienza, Univesità di Roma) and M. Tacconi (Cineca)
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28 November 2012


A EC funded action for deepening strategic R&D cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of HPC by building a multinational and multi-stakeholder community to identify common needs, research issues and opportunities for cooperative R&D on HPC between EU and Latin America
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26 November 2012

CINECA and LENS: PROJECTOME live demo today on GARR-X

In the occasion of the official inauguration of GARR-X, CINECA and LENS demonstrated, with a live demo, the enormous benefit of high performance network services.
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20 November 2012

FERMI reconfirmed in the Top500 top-ten!

The Italian supercomputing system, installed at CINECA, reconfirmed in the top-ten of November 2012 Top500 ranking list
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19 November 2012


The European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing was presented at SC12
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19 November 2012

CINECA at SC12 in Salt Lake City!

For the first time Cineca was one of the exhibitors in the major High Performance Computing conference worldwide.
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