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05 July 2012

BlueGene/Q is confirmed as the the most "green" HPC architecture.

BlueGene/Q is confirmed as the the most "green" HPC architecture. The June 2012 Green500, the list of the most energy-efficient supercomputers in the world, sees BlueGene systems in the first 20 positions.
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26 June 2012

FERMI, the CINECA IBM Blue Gene/Q system, today is the 7th most powerful system worldwide!

Top500 published on June 18: Italy makes its debut in the top 10 with the BlueGene/Q system installed at CINECA. The system is at No. 7 on the list with 1.72 Pflop/s performance.
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21 June 2012

Eurotech develops industry’s highest-density GPU-accelerated supercomputer cluster with NVIDIA

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20 June 2012

Contribution of parallel NSGA-II in optimal design of water distribution networks

Sandro Artina (DISTART, Bologna), Cristiana Bragalli (DISTART), Giovanni Erbacci (Cineca), Angela Marchi (DISTART) and Marzia Rivi (Cineca)
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20 June 2012

CINECA is one of the founding members of the ETP for High Performance computing, ETP 4 HPC

Recognizing the importance of High Performance Computing for the development of Europe, major suppliers of HPC technologies have created an ETP for HPC and released the ETP’s Vision document to improve Europe’s position in the domain of HPC technologies. The ETP4HPC expects to be recognised as the ETP referenced by EC and complements the research capacities created through PRACE.
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19 June 2012

Europe shoots up in TOP500: 4 systems in the top 10

PRACE proudly announces the 4 European systems ranked in the top 10 of the Top500 list: SuperMUC at #4, FERMI at #7, JUQUEEN at #8 and CURIE thin nodes at #9.
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18 June 2012

In-situ visualization: state-of-the-art and some use cases

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11 June 2012

A Generalized Directive-Based Approach for Accelerating PDE Solvers

Francesco Salvadore (Cineca)
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05 June 2012

Settlement of the CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE

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05 June 2012

Installation of the "CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE" and introduction to the PRACE Steering Committee

With the installation of FERMI, the new BG/Q supercomputing system, CINECA by mandate of Italian Ministry of Education University and Research, becomes PRACE Tier-0 hosting site as from the PRACE roadmap. The CINECA Scientific Committee for PRACE, up to now an informal body, became for the decision of the CINECA Board of Directors an institutional body.
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25 May 2012

FERMI installation plan

The installation plan of our new system FERMI, the IMB BG/Q, is now available. We are glad to provide you with precise dates about the next steps.
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18 May 2012

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