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15 October 2021

Cineca HPC Annual Report 2020-2021

The 2020-2021 Cineca HPC Annual Report is available. The commitment to offer data and information about the role of Cineca's HPC activity and on the impact of high-performance computing on the national and international scientific community continues, as well as the commitment to share our vision and development prospects with all our stakeholders.
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12 October 2021


On Monday, 18 October, CERN openlab and Chelonia Applied Science will host a first-of-its-kind workshop called ExaHealth 2021. The half-day virtual event will begin at 1.00 p.m. CEST and will examine the potential for exascale computing and machine learning to support efforts to improve public health. The workshop is free and open to all.
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15 September 2021

Supercomputer for Tsunami, Earthquakes, Volcanoes: Rome 17 September 18:30

Stefano Lorito, Manuela Volpe (INGV) e Piero Lanucara (CINECA), moderati dal giornalista Marco Gisotti, nell'aperitivo scientifico ci aiuteranno a capire cosa può fare un supercomputer per poterci difendere da alcuni eventi rari, ma potenzialmente disastrosi, quali TSUNAMI, terremoti, eruzioni vulcaniche, ...
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31 August 2021

HPC-Europa3: new closing date

The HPC-Europa3 programme is accepting applications with the next closing date on Thursday 9th Sept 2021 (23:59 CEST). We plan to inform applicants of the results before by the end of October, with visits starting from early December or early in 2022. The programme will close in April 2022 and there will be just another call in November 2021.
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17 August 2021


The Military Air Force has authorized the distribution of the forecast weather data of the COSMO-LAMI agreement in OPEN and FREE mode, the national reference modeling system for the benefit of the Functional Centers (central and decentralized) of Civil Protection. The data will be available on the Mistral Meteo-Hub platform, maintained by Cineca.
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14 July 2021

FF4EUROHPC: second open call

The second open call of FF4EuroHPC project targets highest quality experiments involving innovative, agile SMEs and putting forward work plans built around innovation targets arising from the use of advanced HPC services.
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16 April 2021

Quantum Computing @ CINECA

Quantum Computing as a Service: how to access the quantum resources made available by CINECA to all Italian universities and research centers, free of charge
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16 April 2021

EuroHPC ecosystem: Vega supercomputer

We kindly invite you to the start-up ceremony for the Vega - the largest supercomputer in Slovenia and the first installed EuroHPC supercomputer. The ceremony will take place on 20 April at 15:30 in the Institute of Information Science, Maribor (IZUM), where the supercomputer Vega is installed.
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15 April 2021

AI4EU - open call for Solutions

The objective of the AI4EU Call for Solutions is to select the best 41 Solution Providers that address one of the Challenges and together with the Challenge Owner enter a 6-months Support Program receiving funding for solving the specific challenge. The deadline for submissions is on 29th April 2021 at 13:00 CEST.
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13 April 2021

CINECA GPU Hackathon: last two days for submissions!

CINECA organises the second CINECA GPU Hackathon, an exciting opportunitiy for scientists to accelerate their HPC codes or AI research under the guidance of expert mentors from National Labs, Universities and Industry leaders in a collaborative environment. Last two days for submissions!
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08 April 2021

LINKS foundation

From the 9th of April 2021, the LINKS Foundation will start a project of collaboration with CINECA (one of the largest scientific computing centers in Europe, chosen to host one of the three pre-exascale solutions - the supercomputer Leonardo) and the French company Pasqal in the field of quantum calculation and its applications of industrial and scientific interest.
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11 March 2021

The DICE Call for Service Requests in now open!

Take advantage of a set of digital storage services being made available free of charge by the EU funded project DICE. Find out what kind of services are offered and how to apply.
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