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12 October 2020


On October 5th, the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the President Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of University and Research Gaetano Manfredi, approved the rules for the establishment of the National Agency for Meteorology and Climatology called "ItaliaMeteo" and measures aimed at facilitating the coordination of the management of meteorology and climatology.
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06 October 2020

PPI4HPC Whitepaper “Lessons Learned on Legal Aspects” just published

The document provides details on the procedure that the partners undertook to initiate and run the joint public procurement process and the legal lessons that they learnt along the course of actions.
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05 October 2020

WEBINAR: The role of policies for a sustainable EOSC

Policies can contribute to fostering principles of open science and open data. In this webinar (27 October 2020 14:00 to 15:30), representatives from funding bodies and universities as well as EOSC stakeholders discuss the role and consequences of policies on a national and institutional level, and how they interact.
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26 September 2020


ABD (Associazione Big Data), CINI (Italian National Inter-University Consortium for Informatics) and CLAIRE (Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe) signed memorandums of understanding (MoU). This will enable the CLAIRE and CINI communities to develop their research using supercomputers provided by the Members of the ABD (CINECA, CMCC, ENEA, INFN).
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25 September 2020


FF4EuroHPC is a European initiative that helps facilitate access to supercomputers and all high performance computing (HPC) related technologies for SMEs. Many manufacturing and engineering companies can greatly benefit from using computational methods backed by high performance computing (HPC) to improve and speed up processes and designs, get a competitive edge or gain new customers.
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15 September 2020

PRACE-ICEI Calls for Proposals - Call #3

PRACE- ICEI Calls for Proposals are aimed at researchers from academia and industry in need of scalable computing resources, interactive computing services, Virtual Machine services and data storage to carry on their research. The resources are from the Fenix Research Infrastructure, funded by the European ICEI project. DEADLINE: 15 October 2020
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11 September 2020

EuroCC and CASTIEL: two new projects to boost European HPC knowledge and opportunities

With funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), EuroCC and CASTIEL will build a European network of 33 national HPC competence centres. The two projects will bridge the existing HPC skills gaps while promoting cooperation and the implementation of best practices across Europe.
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11 September 2020

Computational Studies of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro: Insights from MD Simulations

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07 August 2020

EOSC-Pillar National Initiatives survey

The EOSC-Pillar National Initiatives Survey Work Package designed and conducted a set of surveys to assess the state of the art of national initiatives in the area of research infrastructures.
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07 July 2020

Khronos Steps Towards Widespread Deployment of SYCL

The Khronos® Group announces the ratification and public release of the SYCL™ 2020 Provisional Specification. SYCL is a standard C++ based heterogeneous parallel programming framework for accelerating HPC, machine learning, embedded computing, and compute-intensive desktop applications on a wide range of processor architectures.
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06 July 2020

PRACE-ICEI Calls for Proposals - Call #2

PRACE- ICEI Calls for Proposals are aimed at researchers from academia and industry in need of scalable computing resources, interactive computing services, Virtual Machine services and data storage to carry on their research. The resources are from the Fenix Research Infrastructure, funded by the European ICEI project. DEADLINE: 13 July 2020
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22 June 2020

Top500 list: MARCONI100 in Top10

The Italian supercomputer MARCONI100, available to the Italian and European scientific community by ISCRA and PRACE, is now number 9 with 21,6 PFlops in the June 2020 Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world. ITALY is the only one European country in Top10, with 2 systems.
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