PRACE Scientific and Industrial Conference 2014

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PRACE organises its first Scientific and Industrial Conference - the first edition of the PRACE days - under the motto HPC for Innovation – when Science meets Industry. The conference combines the previously separate PRACE Scientific Conferences and PRACE Industrial Seminars and will bring together experts from academia and industry who will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering.

PRACE is looking forward to making this event a tradition for the European HPC communities!

The PRACE days will be held in Barcelona at the Vertex Building of the North Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) from Tuesday 20 to Thursday 22 May 2014.

The conference programme consistes of keynote speeches, parallel session and a poster session.
A satellite event will be organised on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 May: Workshop on exascale and PRACE Prototypes.
The PRACE User Forum will meet on Tuesday 20 May from 13:30 to 15:30. 
The PRACE Scientific and Industrial Awards as well as a prize for Best Poster will be presented.

The attendance fee is € 60. Travel and accommodation will not be reimbursed.

Registration for PRACE Days 2014 is now closed.

For more information, registration, full programme, poster list, ... please visit:

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) is an international non-profit association with its seat in Brussels. The PRACE Research Infrastructure provides a persistent world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe. The computer systems and their operations accessible through PRACE are provided by 4 PRACE members (BSC representing Spain, CINECA representing Italy, GCS representing Germany and GENCI representing France). The Implementation Phase of PRACE receives funding from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreements RI-261557, RI-283493 and RI-312763.

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Or contact Marjolein Oorsprong, Communications Officer:
Telephone: +32 2 613 09 27 E-mail: M.Oorsprong[at]