Season’s Greetings

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We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year

This year we have chosen the climate topic for Christmas greetings


In June 2017 the ECMWF's Council have approved the proposal by the Italian Government and the Emilia Romagna Region to host ECMWF’s new data centre in Bologna. The building is to be delivered to ECMWF by 2019 and will host the Centre’s new supercomputers. 

Cineca with the Emilia-Romagna Region, Arpae, Aster and FBM, produced the video "Bologna for ECMWF" to support the candidature of Bologna as the headquarters of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.
More Information
about the ECMWF's new data centre.

"Bologna for ECMWF": Bologna, the right place