Some notes on ParCo2017 conference

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ParCo 2017, the Internaional Conference on Parallel computing, this year took place in Bologna on 12-15 september hosted by CINECA in cooperation with the Univ. of Pisa, Dept. of computer Science and ISTI/CNR of Pisa. The conference hosted more than 100 delegates from more than 20 countries from all the 5 continents.

6 invited speakers, and more than 30 parallel session, presented recent advances and discussed new research topics in the area covered by the conference which is mainly focused on all aspects related to parallel computing. The invited talks covered themes related to robotics, quantum computing, IoT, climate and weather forecast, HPC computer installation trends as well as new programming models for HPC.

As usual in ParCo (which is run every two years in Europe) the delegates had good opportunities to discuss new research results and to interact each other to enforce new cooperations and possibilites for research interactions. Most of the the information relative to the conference can be found on ParCo website and Cineca hpc website.
The proceeedings will be published after the conference, as usual, with IOS press and will be available beginning of 2018.

ParCo2017 is a continuation of the international conference on parallel computing and HPC started in 1983. Since their inception the ParCo conferences stimulated the development and application of parallel computers on a world-wide scale.

The conference addresses all aspects of parallel computing, including applications, hardware and software technologies as well as languages and development environments.