Summer of HPC 2017 at Cineca: final video

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Summer of HPC is a PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) programme that offers summer placements at top HPC centres across Europe, in a PRACE partner country. This programme offer to late stage undergraduates and early stage postgraduate students the opportunity to spend two months of the summer at a HPC center. Twenty students go to 10 PRACE member centres around Europe, where they work on PRACE related projects for 2 months during the summer (July / August).

Cineca in 2017 programme hosted two students:

  1. Arnau Mirò worked on Viewing the Mediterranean Sea project. YouTube VIDEO
    Abstract: ParaViewWeb is a very interesting tool for data visualization. This project explores the capabilities of generating 3D visualizations using ParaView web capabilities for off-line browsing of archived data. A custom web application as well as a number of ParaView plugins have been developed in order to explore OGSTM-BFM data sets.
  2. Petr Stehlík worked on Web visualization of Energy load of an HPC system project.  YouTube VIDEO
    Abstract: Energy efficiency is one of the most timely problems in managing HPC facilities which can be addressed at different
    scale and perspective. Using Internet of Things technologies this project focuses on visualising data collected from the Galileo supercomputer in a web application. 



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