The HPCwire Award “Best Use of HPC in Energy” goes to Prace, BSC and Cineca

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The project "JOREK; Non-Linear MHD simulations of tokamak plasmas for validation and implications for JT-60SA and ITER", a multinational collaboration of 50 researches from 20 institutes that used Barcelona Supercomputing Center's and CINECA's supercomputers, has been recognised in the annual HPCwire Readers' and Editors' Choice Awards, with the following honour: Readers' Choice: Best Use of HPC in #Energy.

Awarded in the 18th and 20th PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) Calls for Proposals for Project Access, the research group were able with the support of HPC to successfully analyse non-linear magnetohydrodynamic simulations to better understand the physics of fusion plasmas. Their discovery will lead to better control of plasma dynamics for fusion operation, and the production of abundant and safe nuclear energy.

The Award has been presented at the 2021 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (#SC21), in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

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