The PRACE 9th Call for Project Access is now open

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The PRACE 9th Call for proposals for PRACE Project Access (Tier-0) is now open and will close on March 25, 12:00 (noon) CET. The allocation decision is scheduled for the 2nd week of July 2014, and the Tier-0 Access, for 1 year allocation, will take place starting on September, the 2nd 2014 until September, the 1st 2015.

CINECA invites all interested scientists, whose projects fit the criteria of the PRACE calls, to submit their projects. The criteria for the PRACE calls, as well as complete information on the PRACE machines, how to apply and on the PRACE peer review process, can be found at

This Call for Proposals targets large-scale, computationally intensive projects that would not be possible or productive without access to PRACE resources.

Applications for Project Access must use codes that have been previously tested and that demonstrate high scalability and optimisation to multi-core architectures or that demonstrate a requirement for ensemble simulations that need a very large amount of CPU overall.

Six Tier-0 machines are available:

  •     IBM Blue Gene/Q “JUQUEEN” ( GCS @Jülich, Germany)
  •     Bull Bullx cluster “CURIE” ( GENCI @CEA, France)
  •     Cray XE6 “HERMIT” ( GCS @HLRS, Germany)
  •     IBM System X iDataplex “SuperMUC” (GCS @LRZ, Germany)
  •     IBM System X iDataplex “MareNostrum” (BSC, Spain)
  •     IBM Blue Gene/Q “FERMI” (CINECA, Italy)

The IBM BG/Q system Fermi is composed of 10.240 PowerA2 sockets running at 1,6 GHz, with 16 cores each, for a total of 163.840 compute cores and a system peak performance of 2 petaflops. Each processor comes with 16 GB of RAM (1 GB per core). The total available capacity in this call on Fermi is 420 million compute core hours.

For development and scaling of HPC codes, PRACE offers Preparatory Access here.

The schedule for the 9th Call for Proposals for PRACE Project Access is:

9th call
Call opens 12 February 2014, 12:00 (noon) CET
Call closes 25 March 2014, 12:00 (noon) CET
Allocation Decision 2nd week of July 2014
Tier-0 Access, for 1 year allocation 2 September 2014 until 1 September 2015