Top500 list: MARCONI100 in Top10

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The Italian supercomputer MARCONI100, available to the Italian and European scientific community, is now number 9 in the Top500 List of the fastest supercomputers in the world.

Its acquisition has been supported by MIUR, The Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, and the European Commission (Grant Agreement number: 754271 — PPI4HPC — H2020-EINFRA-2016-2017) trough a process of Public Procurement of Innovative solutions.

The MARCONI100 computing system installed at Cineca in early 2020 is the largest supercomputer available in Academic sector in Italy and in Europe today.

It is powered by IBM Power9 processors and NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs, employing dual-rail Mellanox EDR InfiniBand as the system network. Marconi-100’s 21.6 petaflops earned it the number nine spot on the list.

This 55th edition (June 2020) of the TOP500 was announced Monday, June 22. 

The list reports 2 Italian systems in Top10: Marconi100 by Cineca and HPc5 by ENI (rank #6), but ENI system is managed by Cineca too, under the Eni-Cineca framework contract.

MARCONI is available to researchers via ISCRA the Italian SuperComputing Resource Allocation initiative and via PRACE.