Visit Cineca at ISC’ 14, booth 921

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This year Cineca will be present at ISC 2014, 23-25 June, in Leipzig, Germany, at booth #921.

Cineca (SCAI) will present its infrastructure, the HPC-HPDA service offering and some of the main projects in which it is involved, PRACE, ETP4HPC, EUDAT, RDA-Europe, HBP and initiatives under preparation in H2020.

Meet our HPC experts for an overview of our activities and for talking about new opportunities of collaboration and services.

About ISC 2014:

ISC'14 (International Supercomputing Conference) again brings together 2.500 system managers, researches from academia and industry as well as developers, computational scientist and industry affiliates from over 50 countries.

The ISC’14 exhibition (HPC, Networking and Storage) will showcase the most comprehensive range of services and solutions from world’s leading vendors and research organizations in one place and in just three days.

More info on ISC'14