War in Ukraine: CINECA joins the appeal of the CRUI

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Cineca joins the appeal of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities to address the complexity of the conflict with strong and immediate diplomatic action.

The Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) is deeply concerned about the current turn of events in Ukraine and driven by the conviction that its constitutive vocation lies in being attentive towards building and consolidating peace through peaceful means. In the certainty that strong and immediate diplomatic action conducted in good faith by all parties is the only way to face the complexity of the ongoing conflict, the CRUI hereby:

  • joins the appeal made by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on February 23rd regarding the need to respect the principles of the United Nations Charter, establish a ceasefire, and take the path of dialogue and negotiation; 
  • firmly reiterates the importance of peace and dialogue as irreplaceable values for the co-existence between peoples and condemns every act of violence and prevarication of human rights and fundamental freedoms; 
  • expresses genuine solidarity towards the people who have been involved and a special closeness to the academic community in Ukraine; 
  • based on the development of the events, considers the possibility of taking action to promote practical measures for the benefit and support of colleagues and students who are victims of the situation, including the return of Italian students who are currently located in conflict zones.